Adding Interactions
A core element of the Hololink platform is the ability to create interactive hololinks. This is done by connecting scenes with actions. You can get a full overview of all the scenes and actions in your hololink by going to the storyboard.
Interactions enable content to be clicked, taking the user to another scene, another Hololink, or to an external website.
To add an interaction follow these steps:
Choose an object in your scene that you want your users to be able to click.
Under 'Behavior', click 'Choose event'.
Choose ‘Change Scene’.
Choose the destination scene or click ‘Create and link to new scene...’.
The following GIF shows how to add a click action to an object sp that it leads to a new scene.
How many interactions can my Hololink have?
An AR experience can hold as many scenes as needed. You can always add or delete scenes as you desire.
Can One Scene Link to Several Other Scenes?
Yes. You can link to as many scenes as you want. For example, if you are creating a quiz and you want to add buttons that lead to different scenes depending on the answer on the button.
Or maybe you want to create a story where a user can choose to go right or left by clicking different arrows that lead to different scenes. The possibilities are endless.