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Multi-step Animations

With these animations, you can animate a model with as many keyframes as you want, making it move, spin and resize all across your scene

Jens Bäckvall avatar
Written by Jens Bäckvall
Updated over a week ago

As you may have seen, we have two ways of animating an object in Hololink. The first one is a single step animation that you can access by clicking the yellow lightning bolt next to Position, Rotation or Stretch in the right hand panel, when the object is chosen in the scene.

You can read about that here.

This article is about multi-step animations.

Mutually Exclusive Animation Types

An important thing to remember, is that our single-step animations and the multi-step animations are mutually exclusive. That means that once you've set an animation type on an object, you cannot add the other animation type to that same object.

Setting up a Multi-step Animation

Go to the editor and add an object that you want to animate. I've chosen a hot air balloon that I found on Sketchfab, using the built in Sketchfab integration found in the 3D model library.

I then click the animations button in the right hand panel.

I can now add keyframes by simple choosing "Add keyframe..." in the drop down menu, and then dragging the model to the position where it should end up after the keyframe has run. I can then click the play button at the bottom of the screen to see the entire animation:

I can now choose as many keyframes as I want, adding rotation, changing the duration or maybe even resizing the model with Stretch at each step along the way.

NB! The values added for each keyframe show the change as compared to the initial state of the object. This means that if I let the object rotate 90 degrees from the starting point to keyframe number 1, I type 90 into the rotation field.

If I then want it to rotate another 90 degrees from keyframe 1 to keyframe 2, I have to write 180 in the rotation field. This is because the model starts at a rotation of 90 in keyframe 1 and therefore will rotate 180-90 = 90 between keyframe 1 and keyframe 2.

Once you'v set all your keyframes, you can test your Hololink by previewing it. Mine looks like this, when viewed outdoors.

There are many possibilities with these types of animations, allowing you to make objects move around your virtual canvas or around your user.

Tip: If you want to make an object stand still for a while, simply add 2 keyframes that have the same position, rotation and stretch and make the duration of the second keyframe be as long as you want the object to stand still.

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