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Additional Charge Policy

Questions and answers regarding our additional charges policy

Melissa avatar
Written by Melissa
Updated over a week ago

How To Submit Evidence For Additional Charges

If the Service Provider arrives on the scene and determines that additional services, equipment or labor is needed, they will select the ‘extra charges’ option in the HONK Partner app or visit The Service Provider may be asked to record and submit a brief video of the disablement scene. The video should include a verbal explanation stating what is needed to complete the service and why the charge is necessary. The explanation must be consistent with the situation visible in the video. If the video quality is not viewable, i.e. bad lighting, unstable shot, blurry, etc., additional verification may be needed. This includes, but is not limited to immediate supervisor escalation and a secondary verification of the situation from the customer. Video submissions will be attached to the job and time-stamped for review by HONK’s Roadside Evaluation team. For all unique situations and special circumstances, a Service Provider may be asked to call in for approval and speak with a live representative.

In some situations (extreme recoveries, etc.) the HONK Partner app may prompt the Service Provider to call in and speak with a live representative for approval. The caller should be prepared to explain the situation in detail and validate why the additional charge is needed. Requests without a valid explanation will be denied. For all equipment, labor and service approvals, video submission from the Service Provider may be required. Service Providers calling in for an additional approval may be redirected to submit the request on the HONK Partner app. The app is the primary method for requests and is the fastest and most efficient method to make these requests.

All submissions will be reviewed by the Roadside Evaluation team and approvals will be processed within 5 business days. If the request is approved, payment will be processed and sent out via the preferred payment method on file. If the request is denied or partial payment is issued, HONK will communicate the decision and underlying rationale.

HONK monitors the percentage of additional charges requested by Service Providers and identifies valid charges based upon specific job details. Additional approvals are decided on a case-by-case basis. HONK reserves the right to deny payment of any additional service charge if the service is deemed unnecessary or requests exceed an acceptable threshold for the region in which a Service Provider operates. By submitting a request for an additional payout a Service Provider is confirming that the service was necessary and/or performed. Fraudulent additional requests will result in suspension or removal from the HONK Partner Network.

Video submissions will also be used to protect our Partners from any liability damage claims connected to the completion of services rendered. Videos showing the proper use of equipment and condition of the vehicle pre and post-service can be used to defend and dispute alleged damage claims.


Labor will be paid out based on hourly rates submitted through the HONK additionals process. Labor charges must be requested in advance of service being rendered. Labor is considered physical labor to allow the safe loading/unloading of a vehicle that cannot be towed by conventional means from its current location, i.e. pushing a car out of a parking garage. Labor charges will not be honored for the set-up of special equipment such as dollies or winching. A common example of when Labor may be approved is: if the vehicle is not accessible upon arrival by winch cable or any other means except physical labor, i.e. vehicle needs to be pushed out of a parking garage or alley to be loaded.

Wait Time

HONK requires that Service Providers give customers a 10 minute courtesy period upon arrival before requesting wait time. Wait time will be paid at a rate of $1 per minute after the 10 minute grace period up to a maximum of $15. Service Providers must request for wait time while at the disablement location or destination and provide HONK access to location services on their mobile device. Service providers will enter the amount of time that they are required to wait in the process of completing the service. Wait time will not be paid out if the Service Provider has exceeded their ETA. Wait time will be paid out if circumstances outside of the Service Provider’s control cause the delay of service, i.e. Service Provider arrives on scene and the police ask the Service Provider to wait 15 minutes while an investigation is completed.

After the maximum of fifteen minutes of wait time, HONK will issue a GOA and reach out to the customer to find out when the vehicle will be available. Only Service Provider drivers who are assigned and tracked by proper use of the HONK Partner App will be awarded wait time, and this will be based on their actual time spent on location.

GOA (Gone on Arrival)

HONK’s standard GOA fee is $20 for any job within the coverage area set by the Service Provider’s profile.

When is a GOA fee paid? If a Service Provider dispatch results in a GOA (Service Provider arriving on scene and not being able to find/reach the customer or the customer canceling directly), they must immediately notify HONK. After notifying HONK, the Service Provider should wait on scene for a minimum of 10 minutes before leaving. This gives HONK time to contact the customer, secure a secondary number or provide an updated disablement location. A GOA fee will be paid only if the request is made no later than 15 minutes after the originally stated ETA.

Service Providers will be paid a GOA fee if any of the following conditions apply:

  • Service Provider arrives on time to the scene.

  • HONK cancels the job 10 minutes or more after the time of dispatch.

  • Customer cancels the job directly with Service Provider 10 minutes or more after the time of dispatch.

  • Service Provider arrives on scene, the customer is GOA, and the Service Provider is unable to contact the customer.

  • The service could not be provided due to a factor outside the Service Provider’s control, i.e. the job was misrepresented by HONK or the customer, or if the Service Provider arrives and the problem has been resolved.

A GOA fee will NOT be paid if the dispatched service is cancelled within 10 minutes of the original dispatch time (unless the ETA falls within that window and the assigned driver is fully trackable and on scene) or if the Service Provider cancels service.

If a Service Provider is on scene and not capable of performing the service or not willing to perform the service for a reasonable rate, HONK may issue a GOA and request that the Service Provider leave the scene.

Toll Roads

Should a job require the use of a toll road, HONK will reimburse the exact amount of the toll paid by the Service Provider based on their route to the call and while in transit with the vehicle calculated by HONK’s system as well as the route taken by the driver based on GPS tracking through proper use of the HONK Partner app. HONK will always pay return tolls based on the shortest route from the tow destination to the service provider’s listed address. Only drivers who are being tracked on jobs from start to finish will be eligible for toll reimbursement. Payments for tolls will only be reimbursed when a toll road is required. HONK will not pay for charges for HOV/Express/FastTrak lanes. A receipt or monthly billing statement may be required for select toll charges. Any requests for tolls after completion of a job will not be honored.


If additional equipment in the form of dollies and/or go-jacks are required, HONK will pay one dolly/gojack fee of $25 per event (even if more than one is required). If the job can be completed with a rollback type tow truck without additional equipment or labor and a provider chooses to complete the job with the use of a wheel-lift type truck with dollies instead, HONK will not approve additional charges for dollies. This should be considered a standard light-duty tow and agreed-to rates will be applied. Dollies must be fully assembled and attached to the vehicle being serviced before the video is to be taken, to verify that the equipment is being utilized and that the vehicle is being towed properly. This video may be used to protect Service Providers from damage liability claims. Service Provider must request the additional equipment payout on the HONK Partner app prior to use. HONK will not pay for dollies/go-jacks if a request was not made on scene. HONK will not pay any labor charges for use of dollies or go-jacks as the labor is included in the additional payout amount for the requested equipment.

HONK will pay one fee of $10 per event for skates, i.e. a pair (2 skates) when required (this includes loading and unloading). HONK will pay $10 for the use of ramps, Video evidence may be required for additional equipment requests.


Service Providers must contact HONK for prior authorization if the drop location cannot receive the customer’s vehicle until the following business day (or regular business hours) and overnight storage is required. HONK will NOT pay for any service where the tow-to location was changed or the vehicle was stored overnight without prior authorization. Service Providers are not at any time to steer, recommend or refer repair shops that are not in the HONK network or approved by the customer at the time of service. HONK is not responsible for any repairs or related charges incurred at any repair facility.


All winching services will be paid in fifteen-minute intervals based on the hourly rate noted in the Service Provider’s profile. Unless there is an unusual circumstance, additional winching payouts are only approved if the vehicle is over 25 feet from the rear of the service vehicle and can not be loaded per standard towing procedure. All winching payouts are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and will be paid accordingly. Situations where winching may be approved include, but are not limited to: vehicle is more than 25 feet from a paved surface (grass, mud, wooded area, etc.), vehicle is high centered (drive wheels are off the ground), vehicle has lost traction (stuck in snow, ice, mud, sand, etc.).

Additional winch charges must be requested in advance of performing the winch service in the HONK Partner app. Video is required for all winching requests and should be taken from the rear of the wrecker or flatbed to demonstrate the distance and accessibility of the vehicle. For winch jobs requiring more than 60 minutes, the Service Provider must contact HONK via phone at 1-800-979-3162 for prior authorization.

HONK will not approve any winch payout requests for standard flatbed tows. Attaching the wire rope/ winch line to the vehicle being towed is considered part of the standard loading and unloading procedure and a winch charge should not be added to flatbed tows. HONK recommends that the wire rope on a flatbed be used at all times to load and unload a customer’s vehicle. Driving a customer’s vehicle onto the bed of a flatbed tow truck is highly unsafe and not recommended by HONK as a towing procedure. The practice of driving a vehicle on the bed of a flatbed is unsafe for the tow truck operator and the general public as the vehicle can become dislodged from the truck. HONK will not pay for repair or replacement of winching equipment or winch cables. Equipment upkeep is the Service Provider’s responsibility.


Defined as any service provided outside of the parameters of what is considered a normal tow. The vehicle is not readily accessible to the tow truck and tow operator. Examples include: vehicle involved in a major accident off of the highway, is on its side or rolled over. HONK will determine what is considered a recovery or a standard tow based on the submission of video and confirmation from the customer. Recovery payouts are made on a case-by-case basis. No set dollar amount will be agreed upon before the Service Provider arrives on scene to assess the severity of the job. Payment will only be made after the Service Provider and HONK has agreed upon a set amount. No additionals will be approved after the said amount is agreed upon. Service Providers who attempt to add additional charges after the recovery rate is agreed upon may be subject to remediation and potential removal from the HONK Partner Network.

Additional Soft Services

If a Service Provider arrived on scene to load a vehicle for a tow, and the vehicle needs to be put into neutral to make it easier for the Service Provider to load the vehicle and a jumpstart is performed, a $15 additional charge will be approved. Additional soft services that are performed and are requested by the customer at dispatch or on scene (lockout, fuel delivery, tire change, and jump start) separate from the main service type on the initial dispatch call will be paid out at $25 as the Service Provider is already on scene and time/mileage is not required for the payout.

Additional service requests must be made while on scene. If a Service Provider is dispatched to complete a tow and instead performs a soft service (jump start, tire change, etc.) before the tow is initiated thus rendering the tow unnecessary, the Service Provider must notify HONK dispatch to update the service type and payout. Service Providers will be paid their hookup rate for the soft service if the service type is changed from a tow to a soft service.

Tire Change (Spare)

Tire changes are to be done with the correct tire, wheel, lug nuts/studs, etc. as specified for the specific vehicle noted on the job call. No wheel or rim is to be placed onto the vehicle that does not fit the proper specifications. Severe damage and liability exposure may result if the wrong equipment is used. HONK is a strong supporter of Partner Safety and always encourages safe choices when choosing locations for roadside services. Please contact HONK for any service changes necessary related to dangerous roadside situations.

Providing Air (Not recommended)

HONK does not compensate Service Providers for providing air to a vehicle’s spare tire or a tire that is on the vehicle. If a customer’s tire (spare or OEM) is flat, it should not be filled with air because it needs to be inspected by a trained tire technician before continued use. Service Providers may be liable for any accident or damage to a customer’s vehicle that was the result of tire failure after an air compressor was used to inflate the customer's tire.

Plugging/Patching Tires (Not recommended)

HONK does not pay for on scene tire repair as it is not a service that HONK offers. HONK strongly recommends against repairing, patching or plugging tires at the disablement scene. If the customer does not have a safe/quality spare tire, HONK should be contacted to convert the order to a tow. In the event that a customer was to have a blowout on a tire that a Service Provider repaired, the Service Provider could be found directly liable for any injury or damage caused.

Accident Cleanup

If accident cleanup is required, it will be paid out at $25. Accident cleanup includes fluid cleanup (speedy dry) and excessive parts lost from the vehicle (within reason) due to the accident (i.e. headlight cover, partial bumper plastic or broken grill). HONK will not pay for the cleanup of Service Provider’s vehicles (oil on flatbed). It is the Service Provider’s responsibility to keep the vehicle in a clean operable condition. Service Providers are responsible for cleaning up any fluids or parts that come from the vehicle that is assigned to them for service. Service Providers should exercise due caution, abide by all local laws and cooperate with law enforcement during the accident cleanup process.

Drive Shaft Removal

HONK will pay a $35 fee for disengaging the driveline or removing axles on medium and heavy-duty vehicles.

Snatch Blocks

HONK will pay one fee of $10 for the use of a snatch block if needed to change the direction of a winch-line to position the vehicle for loading and unloading such as a need to extract a vehicle from a parallel parking space. Use of snatch blocks to increase line capacity will be considered part of winching or recovery charges and will be factored into those rates.

Additional Truck

Any additional truck must have prior approval before being dispatched to the scene of a service request. HONK will not pay for an additional truck if the purpose is to block traffic in an effort to load a vehicle. If a vehicle’s disablement location is impeding traffic, the Service Provider should call local law enforcement so that they can safely block traffic and facilitate loading the vehicle. Service Providers using additional trucks to block traffic can result in severe accidents (Service Providers are not considered State or local law enforcement). This is to prevent any liability and protect HONK Service Providers from injury. HONK will pay wait time to the Service Provider for the time it takes local law enforcement to travel to the scene and block traffic. Wait time must be requested in the HONK Partner app immediately after law enforcement is contacted. If an additional truck is used to transport ride-along passengers the Service Provider must agree on a set rate for the use of the vehicle before it is dispatched to the disablement scene.

Motorcycle Towing

HONK does not pay for the use of straps or a wheel chock in the process of towing a motorcycle. HONK will pay an additional $15 in addition to the Service Provider’s hook up rate. This includes the labor and equipment used to safely tow the motorcycle. Video is required for all motorcycle tows (to ensure that the vehicle is properly hooked up to the truck), to reduce the possibility of any claim for damage done in the process of the service call.


If a customer’s vehicle is to be stored overnight at the Service Provider’s storage lot/premises until the vehicle can be delivered the next business day, only one night of storage will be paid. If the vehicle stays more than one night due to the Service Provider’s inability to relocate the customer’s vehicle the next business day, the service provider will not charge any additional storage fees and must make arrangements for the vehicle to be delivered in a timely manner, i.e. the next business day. In this instance, HONK and the customer must be made aware of these changes and HONK must approve of the proposed delivery timeline.

Unsuccessful Service Policy Examples

  • Scenario 1: Dispatched as soft service. Soft service attempted, but unsuccessful. Requires tow. Service Provider capable of performing tow service.

  • Service Provider must contact HONK for prior authorization and documentation (video may be required)

  • Payout: Soft service paid at $25 / Tow paid at standard SP tow rate

  • Scenario 2: Dispatched as soft service. Soft service attempted, but unsuccessful. Requires tow. Service Provider NOT capable of performing tow service.

  • Service Provider must contact HONK to inform that service was unsuccessful

  • Payout: Soft service paid at standard SP soft service rate

  • Scenario 3: Dispatched as soft service. Requires Tow. Soft service NOT attempted. Service Provider capable of performing tow service.

  • Service Provider must contact HONK for prior authorization and documentation (video may be required)

  • Payout: Tow paid at standard SP tow rate

  • Scenario 4: Dispatched as a tow. Soft service attempt NOT requested (at dispatch or on scene). Soft service attempted and successful.

  • Service Provider must contact HONK for documentation purposes

  • Payout: Soft service paid at standard SP hookup rate.

  • Scenario 5: Dispatched as a tow. Soft service attempt NOT requested (at dispatch or on scene). Soft service attempted and unsuccessful

  • Payout: Tow paid at standard SP tow rate.

  • Scenario 6: Dispatched as a tow. Soft service attempt requested (at dispatch or on scene). Soft service attempted and successful.

  • Service Provider must contact HONK for documentation purposes

  • Payout: Soft service paid at standard SP hookup rate.

  • Scenario 7: Dispatched as a tow. Soft service attempt requested (Noted at dispatch or customer request on scene). Soft service attempted and unsuccessful.

  • Service Provider must contact HONK for documentation

  • Payout: Soft service paid at $25 / Tow paid at standard SP tow rate

NOTE: HONK confirms all services with Service Providers and Customers for verification purposes.


A job is eligible for payment when it has been completed (as indicated by GPS tracking and the HONK Partner app), Service Provider payment information is accurate on file (email address and/or direct deposit details) AND the customer has confirmed that the job was completed as requested. Payment may not be issued automatically for towing jobs if GPS tracking shows the final loaded miles do not match HONK’s originally estimated loaded miles based on the shortest route via Google Maps. If payment was not issued automatically the Partner will receive an explanation email and instructions to request payment. Payment status can always be viewed on the Service Providers payment page.

HONK audits and issues invoice payment according to mileage accuracy and rate adherence. In circumstances where the Service Provider must take an alternate route due to traffic, detours or any other reason, the Service Provider will need to contact HONK to record the difference.

Prepayments are not permitted on standard jobs. Partners who intentionally stop the progress of a job or threaten to abandon a job while active because of the prepayment restrictions will be immediately removed from HONK’s Partner Network.

HONK does not reimburse costs for:

  • Parts and repair work performed at a repair facility/service station

  • Repairing a flat tire(s), plugging tires or air

  • Oil, fluids or loaned battery

  • Maintenance, repair or upkeep on Service Provider’s vehicles

Service Type Changes During An Active Job:

If a Service Provider arrives on location and the service type that was requested cannot be completed for any reason, providers must contact HONK immediately before either leaving the location or completing a different service. Service Providers who do not receive prior authorization from HONK prior to changing a service type will not be eligible for payment of either service.

Example: Service Provider dispatched for a tire change, upon arrival, the customer does not have a spare and wants to be towed to a tire shop. Providers must contact HONK prior to proceeding with the tow service to confirm authorization.

HONK will not reimburse service providers for services that HONK does not offer, including any mechanical repairs made to a vehicle, parts replaced, cleaning services, tire repair including patches, plugs, and air delivery.

Secondary Accident Towing

From time to time, HONK may ask a Service Provider to pay for the release of a customer’s vehicle from a storage location/tow yard/impound. HONK will reimburse the Service Provider for the exact dollar amount paid to release the vehicle when an itemized receipt from the location the vehicle is retrieved from is submitted to accounts payable. These charges will only be reimbursed when HONK has specifically requested that the Service Provider make an advance payment on the customer’s behalf. If HONK is aware of this requirement to release a vehicle, HONK will confirm ahead of time the exact amount due and provide this information at the time of dispatch. If there is any discrepancy at the pickup location or HONK was not aware of the necessity of advance charges, the Service Provider must gain approval from HONK before advancing payment. Any advance payment without the express authorization from HONK will not be honored.

In order to receive payment for a Secondary Accident Tow, the invoice and payout receipt should be submitted to Please note that Secondary Accident payouts cannot be requested via IVR or the Service Provider’s profile.

Dispute Process

HONK strives to fairly and accurately pay our Partners for all services rendered in a timely fashion. If the Service Provider is not in full agreement with any given payment decision, they will have the option to dispute the decision by reopening the request and submitting a written statement to along with additional supporting evidence. All disputes must be made within 30 days from the date of payment. Disputes will be resolved within 2 weeks of submission. All decisions made on additional request disputes are final.

Battery Test & Installation

HONK may request that a Service Provider perform a "Test + Jump" on a customer’s vehicle, and may request a specific battery type be brought to that call, if available.

Upon acceptance of a “Test + Jump” service, Providers will be asked if they have the correct group size battery “on-hand”. An affirmative response to this question will indicate that the Service Provider physically has the correct battery in their possession prior to dispatch, and no additional charges will be approved or awarded for travel time, miles, or any other costs associated with obtaining said battery.

Providers should follow standard battery test procedures, testing for voltage as well as Cold Cranking Amps (CCAs) both prior to and immediately following a jump start procedure. HONK requests that Providers keep a record (print or digital) that includes a timestamp of the test, the VIN number of the vehicle serviced, and a record of voltage & CCA readouts both prior to and immediately upon completion of a jump start procedure. Providers are expected to retain such records for a period of at least one hundred and twenty (120) days following the testing procedure, and HONK reserves the right to request a copy of this record at any time during this period.

HONK may specifically request that the Provider remove and dispose of a failed battery, and replace it with a new Battery. When this service is requested by HONK, and completed by the Providers, HONK will pay Providers an additional fee equal to the Provider’s rate on file OR Take It Now offer rate plus a Battery Installation Rate. This additional fee shall cover the entirety of the removal & installation process, including accessing the battery compartment on the vehicle, cleaning of corrosion from battery and/or terminals, or any other such minor services required to complete the removal & installation. No additional fees will be paid for these services.

Providers will be expected only to replace batteries with new, unused batteries manufactured in the past 90 days (as determined by the manufacturer’s date code sticker system) that match the battery size, type, and CCAs as required by the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications.

HONK will reimburse the battery cost based on fair market prices, and the cost of the battery will be included as a separate line item in the job offer rate, including any core, recycling, environmental, sales tax, or other charges.

As with all HONK services, Service Providers shall not collect any money or fees from customers directly and will be paid through HONK’s standard payment procedures. Providers will not begin the removal and/or replacement until such a time as the service has been requested and confirmed via the HONK Partner App. Any charges for services performed prior to HONK’s confirmation with the customer to begin the replacement will not be honored or approved.

Service Providers will be responsible for ensuring that all technicians assigned to HONK “Test + Jump” and/or “Battery Installation” services have received proper training and/or certification on standard battery testing, removal, and installation procedures. Service Providers assume all liability for, and agree to indemnify HONK Technologies from, damages occurring from improper service procedures.

Service Providers who knowingly defraud HONK, it’s clients, and/or it’s customers will be subject to immediate removal from HONK’s Network of Service Providers without warning, and may be subject to additional criminal and/or civil charges, as outlined by the individual state/city/county consumer protection laws.

These fraudulent tactics include, but are not limited to;

  • Falsifying battery test results

  • Selling and/or installing a battery that is not required

  • Selling and/or installing a previously used battery

  • Knowingly selling and/or installing a battery that does not meet or exceed the vehicle manufacturer's requirements

  • Charging a customer for any perceived "overage" beyond the HONK job price

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