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Damage claims: what you need to know
Damage claims: what you need to know

What you need to know surrounding damage claims with HONK

Melissa avatar
Written by Melissa
Updated over a week ago

Claims prevention: Ways to protect your business

When assisting a customer there are precautions that operators can take to help prevent a possible damage claim. Below is a list of tips on what you can do once you arrive on scene to reduce the possibility of a claim:

  1. Take photos of the customer vehicle before and after service. 

  2. Take video/recordings of the customers vehicle before the service. 

  3. Ask the customer to sign a pre-existing damage waiver that documents their acknowledgment of their vehicle conditions.

  4. If you find the service is difficult to perform or may cause damage, ask the customer to sign a Release of Liability Waiver.

  5. Send in witness contact information. 

  6. Call into the HONK Active Job Support Line to report details from service.

On occasion, a job may not go according to plan. If accidental damage does occur during service, what should you do?

3 ways to handle the situation if accidental damage does occur

  1. Handle the damages directly with the customer if the customer is ok with that.

  2. Allow HONK to mediate the damages by conducting an investigation through our Incident Care Unit.

  3. Report damages to your insurance company.

But what if a customer makes a damage claim for something that you do not believe your company is responsible for? If a customer makes a damage claim against your company, here's what you can do:

Appealing a damage claim

  1. Provide evidence (photo, video, recording, waiver, witness) to confirm damage was not caused by your company.  

  2. Report the case to your insurance for a second investigation. The liability decision made by your insurance will be the decision we honor.  

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