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HONK Heroes FAQs

Everything you need to know about becoming a top-performing Partner

Paul avatar
Written by Paul
Updated over 9 months ago

What is "HONK Heroes?"

"HONK Heroes" is the name of our program that rewards top-performing Partners. There are three performance levels Partners can achieve: Hero, Premium, or Standard.

How is My Performance Level Determined?

Your performance level is determined by your Overall Score on the 1st of each month. The following overall scores must be achieved for each level:

Hero: 90 or Greater

Premium: Between 80 and 90

Standard: Less than 80

What is My Overall Score?

Your overall score is a combination of 5 of your sub-scores from the previous 30 days.

  • Availability (how often you take jobs when they are offered)

  • Tracking percentage (how often you dispatch the right app)

  • Completion percentage

  • On-Time score

  • Quality (Customer Satisfaction)

For more information about each sub-score, view these videos on how each score is determined.

What are the benefits for each Performance Level?

Each performance level comes with access to varying benefits and rewards. The higher the performance status the more rewards can be unlocked, including priority access to even more jobs.




  • Free background checks

Where Can I Find My Overall Score?

Your overall score is displayed in black at the top of the Performance Dashboard in your account within the Overview tab.

How Long Do I Keep My Performance Level For?

Your performance level remains in effect for the full calendar month. On the 1st of each month, our system evaluates your overall score and determines your performance level (Standard, Premium, or Hero).

How do I become a HONK Hero?

HONK Heroes are Partners who are able to maintain a score of 90 or better. The key to becoming a Hero is by achieving green ratings in all five of your sub-scores. For more information about how to achieve green ratings for each sub-score, view our help article.

Why Should I Care About My Performance Level?

Achieving a high overall score will grant you access to special benefits, such as priority job offers, automatic payment for eligible jobs, and free background checks. HONK may add additional benefits for Partners in both Premium and Hero levels at any time, so stay tuned!

What If I Disagree With My Score?

On occasion, a job may be misjudged by our systems or a customer will provide a rating that doesn’t reflect your actual performance. However, HONK measures performance throughout the course of a month so that occasional issues have a small impact on your overall performance level. If you feel there is a major discrepancy between your performance and current score, please feel free to contact us at

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