How do I add a mandatory First Aid onto an event?
To set up First Aid on your event:
Firstly click on the Groups and Items icon at the top of the event page.
Create a new group and name it First Aid (or a name of your choice such as Services if other Items are going to be added).
Ensure the Type of event within the new Group is set-up as ‘Services or tickets'
Save & Exit.
To add the individual Item:
Expand the new Group by clicking the Green +
Click the 3 dots to the right and select Add New Item
Select Service/Product as Item type
You now need to give the Item a name - First Aid in this case and set a fee
Then scroll down to Service Settings
Service Type = First Aid
Mandatory Format:
There are 5 options available depending on how you want to charge
Per Athlete will make 1 charge for the event
Per Athlete/per day will make a charge for each day the rider competes over a multi day event
Per Event will make 1 charge regardless of how many riders
Per Horse will charge for each horse entered
Per Athlete/per day will make a charge for each day the rider competes over a multi day event
Per related event - see separate guide re charging a mandatory fee to a Service Item
Save & Exit
NOTE - for Per Related Event see separate guide re charging a mandatory fee to a Service Item:
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