Publishing your events couldn't be easier! You have the choice to input all results and publish at the end or you can show "live" scoring and display the results as you go along.
Simply click Publish and the results will be live!
Clicking the Export button will allow you to download the results.
You also have a Share It button in the top right, use the links from there to share on websites or via social media.
Verifying Results
This is optional. Clicking this will add Prize Money boxes to the results.
NOTE: For British Dressage and British Showjumping events the Prize Money amounts will pre-populate but you MUST check the allocation is correct as per your venue Prize Money rules.
When you are happy with the Prize Money allocation you can Notify Participants, this will send an email notification to each competitor awarded Prize Money and ask them to ensure their BACS details are up to date:
Exporting Results
The final button allows you to export the results on to a spreadsheet, this can be done for the overall event, with a tab being given to each individual class.
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