Step 1 is where you set general competition parameters:
Select an Arena and Manage your arenas - you can add or rename an Arena here too
Set a test or round duration - you will then see an estimate of how long each class will be
Set generic breaks across all classes
NOTE - these will apply to all classes but can be changed individually in Step 2
All classes need to be allocated to an arena before moving to Step 2, to do this:
Select ALL classes by clicking the top box or allocate them in sections
From the drop down select the arena you want the selected classes to be in
Click Move
The allocated arenas for each class will show on the right hand side
Once every class is in an arena you are ready to create your start lists and move to Step 2:
Scroll to the bottom right
Select Create Start List
On the pop up adjust or confirm the time you want between competitor clashes (Min 5 mins, ,max 60 mins)
Create start list
NOTE - all settings can be changed and updated in Step 2
You can reset Step 1 and start over - but this cannot be undone!!! Proceed with caution!!