Splitting classes can be useful in many situations. For some Championships a split has to be put in place after a certain number, or sometimes it is useful to split a class to help with timings, when a rider may have multiple rides in the class.
All of the above can be done using the Split functionality - this is available on all packages.
From the Times section open up the class you want to split by clicking the Green + symbol
Arrange the running order by dragging and dropping as you require
Decide at which point you would like the class to be split and note the time
Select the Split option from the menu across the top of the class:
You now have this pop up screen:
From the drop down select the time which you would like to be the first competitor in the new class
Change the start time for the new class
If you want the new class to be judged separately then change the toggle to green
Leaving it red will create a new class but they will be judged as one class overall
Split competition
NOTE - this cannot be undone once it has been split.