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What does the Split bookings button do?

How can I split a booking to allow different payments?

Jude Taylor avatar
Written by Jude Taylor
Updated over 5 months ago

Horse Monkey Professional package provides multiple routes to manage bookings and payments.

One of these is the option to split a booking in to new separate bookings.

When would this be used?

  • An owner may want to pay for their own horses classes and services only

  • A trainer may have entered multiple horses and needs to split the payments over different accounts

How is the process actioned?

  • From a booking Event Summary > scroll to the bottom of the page

  • Split bookings option button:

  • You can now select the classes or items you would like to separate to a new booking:

  • Once all items you would like to be in the new booking are selected, scroll to the bottom and confirm by selecting Split bookings:

  • A summary of the new booking and overall cost will be presented to you

  • Continue and confirm you want to proceed

  • You are now taken to a payment screen

  • Select the option you want to use to pay OR

  • Selecting Cancel will take you to the new booking with a status of Pending Payment Outstanding

  • This can then be treated like any other booking ie. added to or settled and closed off

For more information on balancing pending and outstanding bookings and accounts refer to this article:

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