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Manager Features

A guide to additional features available to managers in Humaans

Updated over a week ago

View report profiles

As a manager you will have enhanced permissions in Humaans to view the profile info of your direct reports. In the People screen when you click on their public profile you can click on Full profile to be redirected to their profile.

In your reports profiles you will be able to view their Basics, Health and Social info as well as their Emergency contact info.

Under Employment you can see their contract details and role history.

Under Documents you will be able to view and upload any relevant documents attached to your reports including Private documents hidden from them.

Managing PTO requests

You will also be able to approve or deny PTO requests in their Manage time away section.

Any pending time away requests can be approved/denied by clicking on Approve / Decline.

When employees submit a request you will be sent a notification email with the details.

You can follow the link to be taken directly to the Approve / Decline window.

You will also receive in app notification in the My tasks section. Requests will be filtered by the earliest received and details on the booking including notes and any potential clashes can be seen by expanding the details.

In the Who’s away tab you will have added insights into the type of Away bookings that your reports make.

You also have the option to export the details of your reports to external calendars. By clicking Add to calendar you’ll have the option to pull in My reports. This will pull in your reports and their reports bookings.

Export data

You can export data on your reports in the Reports section of the dashboard. You can choose from our pre-built exports or create a custom export of relevant data points. Learn more on exporting data in Humaans here. Note: Depending on your permission to access certain fields some data in reports may be redacted.

Manage notifications

You can manage the notifications you receive for Tasks and PTO requests by clicking on your name under your profile photo and selecting Manage notifications. You can also receive a weekly summary of any upcoming events for your reports in the following week.

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