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Create and send a campaign

Find out how to send a hyper-personalized campaign in just a few clicks.

Arthur from Humanlinker avatar
Written by Arthur from Humanlinker
Updated over 7 months ago

In your "My campaigns" menu tab, click on "Create a new campaign":

Step #1: Configuration

πŸ‘‰ This step allows you to set up the essential information for your campaign.



  • Title:

    • Give your campaign a title that's evocative enough for you to relate to it.

  • Language:

    • Select the language in which the content of each message will be generated for each contact added to the campaign.

  • Value proposition:

    • Select the value proposition that matches the persona of your contacts injected into the campaign (see How to define your value propositions).



  • Chrome Extension connection:

    • The Chrome extension must first be downloaded to your web browser for your campaigns to run smoothly.

  • LinkedIn connection:

    • Connecting your LinkedIn account allows us to:

      • automatically enrich and update the analyzed data points on your prospects added to the campaign, as well as their corporate context.

      • and send LinkedIn messages automatically if you have "LinkedIn" steps in your Campaign Sequence.

  • Email connection:

    • Connecting your email account allows you to send emails automatically if you have "Email" steps in your Campaign Sequence.


#Sending planning

It allows you to manage the time slots for sending your different campaign messages.


#Sending options

Vous permet d'apposer une signature d'email.

Step 2: Steps

πŸ‘‰ This step defines the structure of your campaign sequence.

You can choose your sequence structure from our 3 templates:

  • Monocanal LinkedIn

  • Monocanal Email

  • Multicanal LinkedIn + Email

You can edit this structure at any time after selecting the template.

For each type of message, we respect the daily sending limits.


#AI generation steps


#LinkedIn Comment

πŸ‘‰ Post a comment on one of the contact's most recent LinkedIn posts.

  • ⚠️ If a contact added to a campaign didn't post recently, then this step will not be generated on that contact and will be ignored.


#LinkedIn Invitation without Note OR with Note

πŸ‘‰ Invite a contact to connect with you on LinkedIn.

  • If you have a free classic LinkedIn account, you won't be able to send a LinkedIn invitation with a note automatically due to the low monthly limitation of this action.

  • Regarding LinkedIn Invitations:

    • If a contact has not accepted your LinkedIn invitation by the end of the "timeout delay," the LinkedIn steps will be skipped, and only the Email actions will be sent.

    • The "waiting days" between each LinkedIn message action will still be respected in the sending schedule.


#LinkedIn Messages / Follow-up / Breaking

πŸ‘‰ Send a LinkedIn Message to a contact with whom you are connected on LinkedIn.

After the LinkedIn message step, you can add a LinkedIn message follow-up and a LinkedIn message breaking.


#Email / Follow-up / Breaking

πŸ‘‰ Send an email to a contact for whom we've retrieved the email address, or you've specified it.

  • After an Email step, you can add a Follow-up Email and a Breaking Email.


Template steps (coming soon)

#Step: LinkedIn Message template

#Step: Email template

Step 3: Contacts

πŸ‘‰ This step allows you to import contacts into your campaign for hyper-personalized engagement with automatic messages.


#Add via our Lead recommendation engine

πŸ‘‰ Enter your ideal customer profile criteria, and our engine will recommend qualified leads that match your search.


#Add via Import of analyzed Contacts

πŸ‘‰ All contacts analyzed via our Extension or previously added to a campaign will be found in your analyzed contacts database within the "Analyzed contacts" menu item.


#Add via CSV import of contacts

πŸ‘‰ Allows you to import a listing of leads into one of your campaigns using our contact import template.

ℹ️ Here are the mandatory fields for CSV import:

⚠️ if the wrong nomenclature is entered for a field, the import will return an error.


#Adding contacts via CRM Import

ℹ️ Functionality reserved for Humanlinker environments connected to their CRM

πŸ‘‰ This import allows you to search via different selection criteria to add contacts from your CRM.

Step 4: Enrichment

πŸ‘‰ This step enriches and updates the data points analyzed on all your contacts added to your campaign, as well as their corporate context.

  • The more data points the Humanlinker technology finds, the higher the Personalization Score:

  • You can edit a contact's email if it is missing or seems incorrect:

ℹ️ Please note that Humanlinker retrieves and enriches your contacts' emails via a technology connected to several email address providers in order to :

  • perform cascading searches adapted to the geographical area of your contacts,

  • And validate the non-bounce of the email retrieved not to damage your email deliverability.

Step 5: Preview & Send

πŸ‘‰ This step allows you to preview the content generated per message and per contact in a hyper-customized way.

You can edit content via a message per contact:

  • simple editing

  • content regeneration

  • modification of the personalization element taken into account

Track your campaign statistics

πŸ‘‰ Tracking the metrics of your engagement campaigns lets you :

  • track the overall performance of your campaigns

  • identify which contact points are outperforming others,

  • according to your lead profiles,

  • improve your sales strategy.

You'll find all your campaign tracking by :

  • contact points,

  • contact sequences,

  • KPIs by engagement channel.

  • Once your campaign has been sent, you can track its specific KPIs in a dedicated interface:

  • KPIs specific to your overall activity on Humanlinker can also be accessed directly from your Dashboard:

ℹ️ Additional information

  • You cannot engage a contact in several campaigns at the same time.

  • We want you to know that we respect the daily sending limits per message type according to your email and LinkedIn accounts.

  • In the five days following the launch of your first campaign, we "ramp up" your sending volume to avoid the risk of your LinkedIn or Email account being banned and to maximize your deliverability.

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