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Written by HWPO Team
Updated over a week ago

Who can join LIFT?

HWPO LIFT is for ANYONE who is looking to build strength, and become more proficient in your movement in the Olympic Lifts- the snatch and the clean & jerk. We will work on getting stronger in squats, pulls, deadlifts, and positional strength in the Olympic lifts. Whether you are a beginner or advanced lifter, this program will help you progress in strength, technique, consistency, and confidence. In order to follow this program, you need to know how to snatch and clean & jerk. You must have had some exposure to it as the program isn’t designed to teach you the lifts, but refine your movement, get stronger, and become better at the Olympic lifts.

What does this program look like?

LIFT is a 5 day a week program that covers supplemental exercises with the goal to make you stronger, more explosive, and develop better positions in your movement.

Each day has an optional metcon or conditioning piece, and optional successories. The lifting should take you 90 minutes to 2 hours, if you keep your rest periods between sets at 90 seconds to 2 minutes (unless otherwise noted). Optional metcons/conditioning and successories will be added on top of that.

Each lifting day is percent based, and you will build in percentages each week. Every 4th week we will have a back off week, which is a week we back off percents and volume, so that we can allow for time to rest the body and the mind. This allows us to continue to build in intensity and volume and helps to prevent burnout, injury, or overtraining.

What if I don’t know my 1RM or haven’t hit a max in my snatch or clean & jerk in a very long time?

If you do not know your 1 rep max, or your current max, use a number for each exercise that you have done in the last 3-4 months as a baseline. We will use these baselines until we have a heavy single day, then you can increase.

If you have not been training in the last 3-4 months, using 80% of your 1RM as a baseline the first few weeks typically is a good guideline.

What if I can only train 3 times a week?

You can drop day #3 and day #5 each week, OR you can continue the days in to the next week.

For example, let’s say you train MWF, you would do day #1 on Monday, day #2 on Wednesday, Day #3 on Friday, then you would do day #4 on the following Monday, Day #5 on Wednesday, and day #1 of the following week on Friday.

What if I can only train 4 times a week?

You can drop day #3 OR day #5 each week. Choose which day you would like to drop based on your weaknesses and which day you feel would be the best benefit to keep in. OR you can follow the plan above and allow days to trickle in to the next week

What equipment is required for LIFT?

You will need access to a barbell, plates, change plates, and a squat rack.

Things such as dumbbells, kettlebells and bands will be used for successories

CrossFit equipment will be needed for optional metcons and conditioning- rower, bikes, pullup bars, etc, equivalent to a well fitted home gym.

What if I don’t have blocks? Will I need blocks?

The first 12 weeks of the program we will not be doing any work from the blocks. If you have blocks, you can use them for jerks instead of jerking from a rack. The next phase of the cycle we will use blocks for snatches and/or cleans, but for those people who do not have access to the blocks, we will do hang work instead.

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