Videos longer than 1 minute are only available on Paid Subscription Plans. Each new video costs 20 credits to generate. On paid plans, the first 3000 characters (roughly 3 minutes) of the video will be automatically generated in the first 20-credit generation. Each additional minute costs between 10-60 credits, depending on which settings you use. So that means if you're making a 10 minute video and using only the lowest-cost settings (still images only, basic image generation quality, basic voices), it would cost about:
20 credits (for the initial generation)
+ (~10 credits for images + ~7 credits for voice generation) * 7 minutes
= 129 credits
With animation and high quality voices, the same 10 minute video video would cost about:
20 credits (for the initial generation)
+ (20 credits for images + ~40 credits for images + ~28 credits for voice generation) * 7 minutes
= 626 credits
You can control the settings for each scene of video generation.
See also