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Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We've got answers

How do I export my video?Export your videos to share them anywhere you like
How do I download my video once the export is complete?After you export your video, you still need to get it onto your computer or phone!
Is there a basic video walkthrough I could watch?Go check out our YouTube channel.
Are there any restrictions on where or how Hypernatural videos can be posted?You can post your videos anywhere and make money from them.
How do I save my work?Your work is auto-saved to your Sashboard
What does each action in Hypernatural cost?
How much do longer videos cost to generate
Can I use my own images in a video?You can upload your own images or regenerate images you want to change
How can I update or cancel my plan?Head over to your profile settings
How can I access previous exports
Can I use the B roll for a script feature without generating audio?
How can I edit the video narration
Can I buy credits a la carte?Subscribers on paid plans can purchase additional credits a la carte
Can I add my own voiceover?Yes you can!
How do I remove the captions
How do I fix the AI-generated voiceover if it mispronounces a word?Hint: spell the word phonetically, then correct the captions
Is there any way to extend the scene length.You can make scenes longer or shorter by dragging the scene markers on the wordline
The narrator narrated my stage directions. How can I get it to stop?Right now, the script should only include narration
Can Hypernatural create the same character across all of the images in my video?
How can I add background music
Is there anything you can't make a video of?
What if I don’t like the image that was produced by AI?
How do I add a new scene to a video?
What languages are supported in Hypernatural?
How can I customize the style of my video?
How do I edit the transitions between scenes
How do I turn off animation on videos?You can turn off the animation on each scene or for the whole video