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User Management

Everything you need to know about setting up Users, assigning Roles to them, their Permissions, and how to utilize Teams option

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Navigate to Settings - User Management to add more users. But before we dive into details, kindly note that number of User seats available differ between subscription plans.

User management breakdown per subscription plans:

  • Startup
    Subscription plan has 1 seat available by default, but can add more at $49/month, per user or to upgrade to Business subscription plan at any time.

  • Business
    Has up to 5 User seats available by default. In case they would like to add more user, to upgrade to Enterprise contact our team here.

  • Enterprise
    users can have unlimited number of seats. Feel free to reach out to us and we'll make custom price for you, according to the number of user seats needed.

Business/Enterprise users have the ability to to create new roles and customize role permissions (Learn all about iClosed pricing and feature breakdown here).



Users section provides following information about your team members:

  1. Number of Users added to the account

  2. User full name from users profile account

  3. User email associated with the account - email they're using for logging in.
    This is not necessarily a Google account email they've used to connect the Calendar for accepting Events (as show in the picture above).

  4. User role assigned - Each user role has its own set of user permissions to access specific features in iClosed

  5. Availability status - showing if a user set the availability or not. This is considered as a minimum technical requirement for being able to get bookings from the event.

    1. "Set" green badge or

    2. "Not set" yellow badge

  6. Calendar status - did a user connect the calendar for storing events or not
    Additionally, connected calendar will be used for sending out email notifications from events (confirmation, cancellation and reminder emails).

    1. Green badge "Connected (Gmail of the calendar connected for Events)"

    2. Yellow badge "Not connected"

  7. Actions - buttons with available actions, depending if the User accepted account invite or not

    1. if a user accepted account invite, you will have two options:

      1. to update user role or,

      2. to add user to the team you've created previously

    2. In case a user didn't accept account invite, actions column will show two additional options for you to choose:

      1. Copy invite link - in case you would like to drop invite link again to the user via Slack or any other app or

      2. to resend account invite to the email added when you invited the user for the first time (see column email)

    3. Last action available is to delete a user - ​Deleted user will be removed from your account. However, this seat will remain available until the end of the current billing cycle (learn more here).

Important note

  • Users who didn't accept invite yet would need to access the account first, before being able to participate in Events.

  • Users who didn't set their Availability will not be able to participate as Event Hosts.

  • User will be available to participate as Event Host even if his Google Calendar is not connected, but for such user, the Google meet link will not be generated by iClosed automatically in case Event Location set is Google Meet.

Available actions

From the Settings - User Management → Users tab you will be able to:

Add a User

From the Users section is one of the several places from where you can invite Users to your account.

By clicking on the "Add User" button new window will pop up where you'd be able to see current number of seats, to enter email of a user you would like to invite and to select user role.

Additionally, you can select "Add Another" button while you're in the Add new user window, which will open additional row for another user to be invited.

Important Notes

Bear in mind that adding new users may affect your subscription plan costs.

Startup plans can add new users at the same price as Startup subscription, while Business subscription plan users can add up to five seats by default, but every additional user will be charged extra (learn more about prorated charges here).

Additional pages from where you can invite users are:

Updating User

To select an option to update user, you need to:

  1. Locate user

  2. Click on the "Pencil" button on far right of the row

  3. New window will open for updating specific User, providing two options:

    1. To select Role

    2. To select Team

Copying invite link or Resending invite

These two are additional options that you'll see only if a User didn't accept invite.

  1. Copy invite link → in case you would like to drop invite link again to the user via Slack or any other app or

  2. To resend account invite to the email added when you invited the user for the first time (see column email)

User who didn't accept invite can't participate as a Host of the event.

Deleting a User

Last action available is to delete a user, but please proceed with caution.

Deleted user will be removed from your account.
However, this seat will remain available until the end of the current billing cycle.

By clicking on Delete button, new confirmation window will appear.


All about Teams

A great way to organize performance KPI's in groups, in case you would like to segment the organization into different group of hosts (Closers). Here's how to create a team:

  1. Select second tab in User Management and click on "Create New Team" button

  2. Enter team name and confirm by clicking on "Create New Team" button

The Team will be created, the next step is to add Users to it:

  1. Click on "Add Members" button

  2. Select all Hosts you would like to add to the Team

  3. Confirm by clicking "Add Users to Team"

All added users will show as Icons on the main teams page. If you hover over them, it will provide you with their full user names.

You will be able to utilize team filters in AI Scheduler main filter on the top, for filtering data on Scheduled calls and Events pages, as shown in the video below.

Revert filter to "All Closers and Teams" once you're done, so you could see all Users.

Roles & Permissions


Business and Enterprise subscription plan users have the ability to create new roles and customize permissions (learn more about iClosed pricing here).

This is the section where you can assign default Roles to the users or to create new Roles from scratch, with customized permission access to app features.

Permissions are broken down mostly by App pages (menus), having two access type differentiators that you can choose from:

  • Full (user see data of all users) and

  • Exclusive (user see it's own data only)

Pro tips

The only exception for Exclusive access to users is the Global Data - Contacts section, where all users have access to all leads (contacts).

The reason why we've made it like this is for every Closer or Setter to have access and see if the lead exists in your account already, which prevents duplicate entries and helps users see leads ownership and complete journey on the contact card.

We've defined the three most common roles sales teams are using:

Super Admin

Account creator by default, an account administrator with all permissions available.

Kindly note that only true Super Admin (account owner) has permissions to delete other super admins in the account, and can edit account billing details.


Sales representative, who has limited access (mostly exclusive) to app features.

  1. Has full access to:

    1. Global Data but without access to additional options, such as:

      1. merging leads,

      2. changing lead owners,

      3. exporting data and

      4. appointment setting section.

  2. Has exclusive access to:

    1. all other app parts and features

  3. Doesn't have access to:

    1. Delete permissions

    2. Tracking

    3. Troubleshooting events

    4. Events settings that were created by other user

    5. Settings - User management and Integrations


An Appointment Setter is a professional who schedules consultations between sales staff and prospective clients, ensuring that important meetings are booked for the sales team.

  1. Has full access to:

    1. Global Data but without access to additional options, such as:

      1. merging leads,

      2. changing lead owners,

      3. exporting data

    2. Troubleshooting events

    3. AI Scheduler

      1. Events

      2. Scheduled events

      3. Availability

    4. Tracking

      1. Custom fields

      2. Products

  2. Has exclusive access to:

    1. all other app parts and features

  3. Doesn't have access to:

    1. Delete permissions

    2. Settings - User management Integrations

Sales Manager

has full access to all features necessary for managing a team:

  1. Has full access to:

    1. Analytics

    2. Global Data - including full Appointment Setting managing permissions

    3. Members

    4. AI Scheduler

    5. Settings - User Management

    6. Tracking

  2. Has exclusive access to:

    1. Troubleshooting events

  3. Doesn't have access to:

    1. Global Data - to merging leads, changing lead owners, and exporting data

    2. Delete permissions

    3. Integrations

    4. Billing

The Closer, Setter and Sales Manager roles can be edited, by clicking on the edit button on the far right of the screen, or even deleted. Account owner can delete Super admins only.

Permissions overview

Permissions are broken down mostly by App pages and you can choose from selecting access types between Full (for all users) and Exclusive (for users themselves only).

On top of that, we allow providing additional permissions for certain pages, where you may want to keep exclusive access to your User, but allowing him access to certain data beneficial for tracking their own performance. See explained in detail bellow:


Access to main dashboard where the role can see Analytics of sales, events, outcomes, sentiments etc.

  • Full access → user will be able to view the data of all the team members

  • Exclusive access → user will only see their own data

Global Data

For accessing Global Data that includes Contacts, Calls and Deals.

  • Full access → the role be able to view all the data of the company of contacts, calls and deals

  • Exclusive access → the role will be able to view only their own data of contacts, calls and deals

  • Additional custom options →

    • Merge Lead → merging contacts

    • Lead Owner → Changing owners of leads

    • Export Global Data → exporting permissions

    • Appointment Setting → providing full access for managing Appointment Setting options in Global Data

If turned on, select between Full and Exclusive, and check the boxes for custom permissions.

Pro tips

The only exception for Exclusive access to users is the Global Data - Contacts section, where all users have access to all leads (contacts).

The reason why we've made it like this is for every Closer or Setter to have access and see if the lead exists in your account already, which prevents duplicate entries and helps users see leads ownership and complete journey on the contact card.


This will give access to Closer’s Dashboard.

Full access → the role will be able to view all the closers of the company on the Members page, to view their performance and their Members dashboard

Exclusive access → the role will only be able to view their own Members Dashboard

AI Scheduler

Since AI Scheduler is pretty complex and main iClosed feature, full and exclusive access is broken down per core features:

  • Events → providing Complete or Exclusive access to Events page
    (like creating new events, managing already created events, etc...)

    • Complete → can see Events that user is not added as host, and can access event settings

    • Exclusive → can see only events where the user is added as host. Can access event settings of the events the user created on his own

  • Scheduled events → choose between Complete or Exclusive access to Scheduled calls page

    • Complete → can see calls of other users

    • Exclusive → can see only it's own calls

  • Calendar Connections → choose between Complete or Exclusive view on Calendar Connections page

    • Complete → can see calendars of other users

    • Exclusive → can see it's own calendar only

  • Availability → choosing between

    • Complete → access to managing all Users availabilities

    • Exclusive → manage its own availability only

  • Rules → providing Complete or Exclusive access to Rules automations

    • Complete → can access and edit Rules other user created

    • Exclusive → can access Rules, but can't edit rules other user created

  • Workflows → providing Complete or Exclusive access to Workflow automations

    • Complete → can access and edit Workflows other user created

    • Exclusive → can access Workflows, but can't edit the ones other user created


This will give access to Settings of the iClosed account.

You can turn on/off following:

  • User Management → Providing access to User management, and inviting new users

  • Integrations → Allowing access to Integrations page, with additional options to select specific integration apps

Delete permissions

You can control if the role can delete any of the Global Data.

If active, the role can be given delete permissions for contacts, calls or/and deals.

Troubleshoot Events

If active, User will be able to Troubleshoot events.

  • Full access → the role can view and troubleshoot events across the account, for all users

  • Exclusive access → the role be able to view and troubleshoot event of their own data only


You can set if the user can access Custom Fields, Products or IP Blocking, by checking the boxes.

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