As iClosed team works constantly on adding more of direct integrations with your favorite apps, with over 1900 apps and tools available, Make is a fantastic workaround for connecting CRM's and payment processor apps that we do not support at this very moment.
For example, If you'd like to update your CRM, like Airtable, Go High Level or any other Make-supported app, simply connect iClosed with Make, and make it happen.
Make integration is available with Business and Enterprise subscription plans.
How to connect Make with iClosed
Navigate to Integrations page and click on the "Connect" button to get started:
Login to Make account and click on the "Install" button
Select Organization (if you have more than one account)
And finish connection by confirming with the button "Install"
Pro tips
In case you're experiencing any issues while trying to log into Make account with Google single sign on (SSO), the reason may be because of the iClosed sign in process. Please check this article to learn more how to resolve it.
Triggers available
Triggers are used for starting a workflow with iClosed, so you could forward data to any other tool.
We have made all necessary triggers to give you full flexibility over what information and data you can transfer from iClosed to CRM or any database.
New contacts
Trigger for watching potential, disqualified and qualified contacts are created in iClosed.
When a lead filled out primary or secondary questions and didn't press "Continue" button on the form
Only trigger that fires twice, first time when phone number or email is entered on primary page and second time when email or phone number is entered on second page.
When a lead filled out the whole form and pressed the "Continue" button, but for some reason didn't book a call
When a lead filled out the whole form and pressed the "Continue" button, but wasn't able to book a call due to disqualification criteria set in Event setup.
Data available
Data available
General information
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Secondary Email
Secondary Phone Number
Country - per phone country code
Time zone
IP address
Blocked by re-CAPTCHA (true or false)
Joined time - time and date when lead interacted with the scheduler
Created at - Time and date when lead was originally created
Updated at - Time and date when the lead was updated
Tracking - UTM's
Collected from cookie - if any
Collected from page - if any
With Key's and Values
Questions and answers
If any, depending of the lead status and if the lead filled out any answer on the form
Full name will be included
Name - as the Event name
Color - in HEX code
Link prefix - from the Event name
Event type - Strategy or Discovery event
Referrer URL embed
Complete booking page URL
Contact call booked
Triggers when new call is created in iClosed
Data available
Data available
Event type
Kind - as how the event was assigned to closer (manually or via round and robin)
Slug - part of the event name from the URL
Name - as event name
Type - Strategy or Discovery event
Duration - in minutes
owner type - always closer
Closer name
Closer time zone
Closer email
Assigned to - user name
Extended assigned to - Closer name, email and is the closer primary (True or False)
UTC start time and end time - used when you have closers with multiple time zones set in availability, so you can easily convert them to desired time zone
Start and end time - per closer time zone
Start and end time pretty - time per closer time zone with date and day included
Invitee start and end time - per invitee time zone
Invitee start and end time pretty - time per invitee time zone with date and day included
Created at - date and time when call was created
Location - referred as meeting location
Event link - referred as event URL
Type - referred as event type, Strategy or Discovery event type
Reschedule link
Cancel link
Old and New event - available for rescheduled calls only
First and last name
Name - as full invitee name
Text reminder number - referred as invitee phone number
Time zone
Created at - date and time when the lead was created
Is reschedule - true or false
Reschedule reason and Reschedule by
Cancel details - if any
Questions and answers
Sorted by the order of appearance on the form, and separated as each question and answer as a separate payload.
Questions and responses
Sorted by the order of appearance on the form, with all questions and answers in one payload.
Tracking - UTM's
Collected from cookie - if any
Collected from page - if any
With Key's and Values
Providing all information about all guests of the event:
Invitee email, name and meeting location
Host email
Response status
Rescheduled call
Triggers when an upcoming call is rescheduled by a host or invitee.
Data available
Data available
Event type
Kind - as how the event was assigned to closer (manually or via round and robin)
Slug - part of the event name from the URL
Name - as event name
Type - Strategy or Discovery event
Duration - in minutes
owner type - always closer
Closer name
Closer time zone
Closer email
Assigned to - user name
Extended assigned to - Closer name, email and is the closer primary (True or False)
Old start time - as the date and time of the previous call
UTC start time and end time - used when you have closers with multiple time zones set in availability, so you can easily convert them to desired time zone
Start and end time - per closer time zone
Start and end time pretty - time per closer time zone with date and day included
Invitee start and end time - per invitee time zone
Invitee start and end time pretty - time per invitee time zone with date and day included
Created at - date and time when call was created
Location - URL of the meeting location
Event link - referred as event URL
Cancelled - False
Canceler name - Always empty
Cancel reason - Always empty
Cancelled at - Always empty
Type - referred as event type, Strategy or Discovery event type
Reschedule link
Cancel link
Old event - as previous event
New event - as newly scheduled event
First and last name
Name - as full invitee name
Text reminder number - referred as invitee phone number
Time zone
Created at - date and time when the lead was created
Is reschedule - True
Reschedule reason - if any
Reschedule by - lead or iClosed user name who rescheduled a call
Cancelled - always False
Canceler name - Always empty
Cancel reason - Always empty
Cancelled at - Always empty
Questions and answers
Sorted by the order of appearance on the form, and separated as each question and answer as a separate payload.
Questions and responses
Sorted by the order of appearance on the form, with all questions and answers in one payload.
Tracking - UTM's
Collected from cookie - if any
Collected from page - if any
With Key's and Values
Providing all information about all guests of the event:
Invitee email, name and meeting location
Host email
Response status
Cancelled call
Triggers whenever a call is canceled by invitee, host, or super admin (sales manager).
Data available
Data available
Event type
Kind - as how the event was assigned to closer (manually or via round and robin)
Slug - part of the event name from the URL
Name - as event name
Type - Strategy or Discovery event
Duration - in minutes
owner type - always closer
Closer name
Closer time zone
Closer email
Assigned to - user name
Extended assigned to - Closer name, email and is the closer primary (True or False)
UTC start time and end time - used when you have closers with multiple time zones set in availability, so you can easily convert them to desired time zone
Start and end time - per closer time zone
Start and end time pretty - time per closer time zone with date and day included
Invitee start and end time - per invitee time zone
Invitee start and end time pretty - time per invitee time zone with date and day included
Created at - date and time when call was created
Location - referred as meeting location. It will show as plain text information
Event link - referred as event URL
Cancelled - True
Canceler name - Name of the person who cancelled the call
Cancel reason - Notes if any, provided by lead or iClosed user
Cancelled at - date and time when the call was cancelled
Type - referred as event type, Strategy or Discovery event type
Reschedule link - always empty
Cancel link - always empty
First and last name
Name - as full invitee name
Text reminder number - referred as invitee phone number
Time zone
Created at - date and time when the lead was created
Is reschedule - always false
Reschedule reason - always empty
Cancelled - referred as was the call cancelled by invitee (true or false)
Canceler name - Name of the person who cancelled the call
Cancel reason - Notes if any, provided by lead or iClosed user
Cancelled at - date and time when the call was cancelled
Questions and answers
Sorted by the order of appearance on the form, and separated as each question and answer as a separate payload.
Questions and responses
Sorted by the order of appearance on the form, with all questions and answers in one payload.
Tracking - UTM's
Collected from cookie - if any
Collected from page - if any
With Key's and Values
will always remain empty
Call outcome
Triggers when a call outcome is added to Strategy or Discovery call.
Data available
Data available
General information
Event name
Event type
Closer name
Event duration
Event duration unit
First and Last name
Phone number
Closer email
Call outcome
Start time
Deal value
Product name
Deal and Product details
Recurring - True or False
Transaction type - Won or Deposit
Created at - date and time when the deal was created
Updated at - date and time when the deal was updated
Deleted at - always empty
Name - as the Product name of the deal
Contact detail changed
Triggers whenever a detail is updated in the prospect contact card, such as:
Prospect name
Email or phone number change
Adding secondary email and phone number
and even status update
Data available
Data available
First and Last name
Phone number
Secondary email - if added
Secondary phone number - if added
Country - per phone number country code
Time zone
IP Address
Status - referred as lead status (Potential, Qualified, Disqualified, Discovery or Strategy call booked)
Blocked by re-CAPTCHA - True or False
Joined or Created time - date and time when lead was created
Updated at - date and time of the latest contact update
Deleted at - date and time of a contact was deleted
Referrer URL embed - Complete booking page URL
Actions available
Actions are for cases when a workflow is started (triggered) by any tool, in order to forward information collected by a trigger to iClosed.
Create a new contact
For adding contacts to iClosed from other apps, that will set the newly added prospect in the Potential status by default. Available data that can be transferred to iClosed:
Email - mandatory field
Phone number
First name
Last name
Tag - any information you'd like to place so you can identify such leads later
Event - referred as event name in iClosed.
But you would need to add it as plain text in Make field, that is exactly the same as the Event name in iClosed in order to be recognized and included when the contact is created.
Create a new contact note
Perfect for adding notes or comments from external tools into iClosed contact note.
Email - mandatory field, for mapping of email of the contact
Note - mandatory field for imputing all information you'd like to forward from CRM
Create new deal
Action for creating transactions in iClosed (collecting payments from any payment processor) that you can use for connecting deals when adding "Sale" outcome.
Available data to be transferred to iClosed:
Contact email - mandatory
Contact first name
Contact last name
Contact phone number
Order time
Order value - mandatory
Product name - pull information from payment processor or add as plain text
Update Setter owner
Action for assigning Setter owners to leads automatically in Global Data - Appointment Setting. All you need to do is to map both mandatory fields:
Invitee email address
Setter email address
Search contact
Excellent option for looking into iClosed Global Data to check if the prospect already exists, before updating. Action will allow you to identify lead per:
Email - mandatory
Phone number
Data available
Data available
First name
Last name
Email address
Phone number
Secondary email
Secondary phone number
Event name
Event type - Discovery or Strategy event type
Time zone
IP address
Blocked by re-CAPTCHA - True or False
Joined and created time - date and time when the lead was created
Updated at
Deleted at
Referrer URL
Make an API call
API call configuration could be useful for fetching data, creating and updating records, or deleting from other tools with specified API endpoint path. Available HTTP methods are:
GET: For retrieving data
POST: For submitting or creating data
PUT: For updating or replacing data
PATCH: For partial updates to data
DELETE: For deleting data
Pro tips
Before moving forward with the integration and mapping of the fields, please double check available fields in the tool where you'd want to send data to:
Create custom field in your CRM for Call time if needed
this will help you update this field when a call is rescheduled.
Invitee questions (form questions)
will appear in order as they are sorted on the form, showing both question titles and answers as values. Additionally, you will be able to choose from two format types:Question and answers - every question and answer as separate data output
Question and responses - All questions and answers shown as plain text in one output
This gives you additional options to decide how you'd like to map answers in your CRM (if needed create custom fields) or add them as notes in your CRM contact card.
Once you've connected your iClosed account with Make, run a test to map fields easier and to see the output data.
Create scenario and click on the "Run" button
Go to your iClosed account and trigger data required to test in Make
Potential trigger
Is the only trigger that will fire twice! First time when email or phone number is collected on the primary form page, and the second time when phone number or email is filled out on the secondary form page.
To ensure you're not receiving trigger twice, set up a delay with "Sleep" module in Make after Potential trigger, add Search contact action and split end result in the paths, allowing one path to move forward if there is only information on primary page, and allowing other to move forward only if both email and phone are collected.
Use cases, best practices and examples
How to create a new scenario in Make
How to create a new scenario in Make
Click on the "Create new scenario" button
Search out for iClosed app and select the trigger and create a webhook
Create connection
If you're doing this for the first time enter iClosed login credentials and press "Save" button
After the connection is established, select iClosed account from where you'd like to generate a trigger (if more than one)Click on the "Run Once" button in the bottom left on your screen to start testing
Navigate back to iClosed app to generate the trigger for the webhook you've created and according to the trigger selected (e.g. Call booked = book a test call)
Once you fire the trigger in iClosed, data will appear in Make
Send new call booked from iClosed to CRM
Send new call booked from iClosed to CRM
A perfect use case, when you only want to send call without sending the extras leads
(Potentials, Qualified, Disqualified):
Create a scenario and select iClosed Contact Call Booked trigger
Update contact:
Assuming that you've set at least potential trigger that will create contact in your CRM
If not, set Search for contact in CRM as step #2 and split workflow in two paths:
One when contact is found = next step Update contact
Other when contact is not found = next step Create contact
Additionally, you can add another workflow for adding call outcomes in iClosed and transferring them to your CRM.
Learn more about how to create your first event.
Update call time and lead owner in case of rescheduling
Update call time and lead owner in case of rescheduling
If a call is rescheduled by host or an invitee, two important data needs to be updated in your CRM:
The call time - when the call was supposed to take place
The lead owner - team member that is hosting call with the prospect
Here's how to do it:
Start new scenario with iClosed Call rescheduled trigger
Update contact
Assuming that you've set at least New call booked trigger that will create new call for your contact in CRM - Update Closer name or/and new Call Start Time
If not, set Search for contact in CRM as step #2 and split workflow in two paths:
One when contact is found = next step Update contact
Other when contact is not found = next step Create contact
Learn more on how to reschedule or cancel a call.
Update CRM with call outcomes from iClosed
Update CRM with call outcomes from iClosed
Your sales representatives need to add Call Outcomes after each and every call to provide you with feedback on their sales activity. As iClosed provides two types of calls, each call type will have two types of outcomes:
Strategy calls (sales calls)
No Sale
Discovery calls (setter calls)
Follow the next steps to set it up:
Select iClosed Call outcome added trigger
Search for the contact in your CRM, since it was transferred already with Call booked trigger
Map with the outcome fields in your CRM
In case you don't have such field in your CRM, create it as custom field first.
Make sure to create fields for call outcomes, and outcome reasons, or add such information in notes.
Learn more about iClosed Call outcomes here.
Sending Potential, Qualified or Disqualified contacts to your CRM
Sending Potential, Qualified or Disqualified contacts to your CRM
Building the workflow for Potential leads
A lead becomes potential as soon as they enter phone number or email on the first page of the scheduler form, and will remain in such status until it clicks on the "Continue" button and access booking page.
This is the only trigger that will fire twice! First time when email or phone number is collected on the primary form page, and the second time when phone number or email is filled out on the secondary form page.
Here's the best practice on how to set up this scenario to avoid duplicate entries:
Start the scenario with iClosed Potential trigger
Create Make Router and split flow into two paths:
Path A (data is entered on primary page):
Next step (action) - Create contact in your CRM
Add filter Continue IF = prospect email "Does not exist"
This will prevent second trigger to add new contact in your CRM
Path B (data is entered on the secondary page):
Next step (action) - Search contact in your CRM
Add filter Continue IF = prospect email "Exists"
Next step (action) - Update contact in your CRM
Add filter Continue IF = Email field in your CRM "Doesn't equal" prospect email
Build additional actions per your preference.
With this setup you will prevent Potential contact to be created (sent) twice, due to double triggering when lead enters both Phone Number and Email.
Here's the visual presentation of the workflow.
Phone number is set on primary form page
Email is set on secondary form page
Google Sheets was used to represent CRM or any other end tool where you'd like to send Potential leads to
Path A (data is entered on primary page) - Create new contact from information collected on the primary page
Path B (data is entered on primary page) - Data collected on the secondary page
Path B1 - Search contact in your CRM per data collected on primary page
Building the workflow for Qualified or Disqualified leads
A Qualified and Disqualified leads have one thing in common. Both are applied to leads who filled out the whole form, clicked on the "Continue" button, accessed the booking page and they didn't book a call.
That being said, the only difference between the two is if they were able to book a call or not:
Qualified didn't book the call for any reason
Disqualified were not able to book a call since they were disqualified by criteria you've set in the event setup
Here's the best way to set up the workflow, having in mind that you've probably created this contact in your CRM by using iClosed potential trigger:
Select iClosed Qualified or Disqualified trigger
Action - look into your CRM or any other app where iClosed potential trigger was sent previously
Action - update your CRM or any other app where iClosed potential trigger was sent already with all available information per your preference, per search results in step number 2 - look into your CRM
In case you haven't set iClosed potential trigger, and you're starting with Qualified or Disqualified trigger, set action #2 to be Create contact in CRM or send information in any other tool per your preference.
Learn more about iClosed Lead Statuses here.
Importing contacts from CRM or any other tool to iClosed
Importing contacts from CRM or any other tool to iClosed
This option allows you to add leads (contacts) from a CRM or any other tool to iClosed. The scenario setup is very simple:
Select trigger from CRM or any other tool from where you'd like to send information to iClosed
Use iClosed Create Contact action
Following data is available to be transferred:
First name
Last name
Phone number
Tag - any information you'd like to place so you can identify such leads later
Event name - add it as plain text, that is exactly the same as the Event name in iClosed in order to be recognized and included
Learn more about iClosed Contact cards here.
Assigning Setters from CRM to iClosed - Appointment setting
Assigning Setters from CRM to iClosed - Appointment setting
How to set it up?
Before we proceed, kindly note that Setter assigning is available for Potential, Qualified, and Disqualified leads, that haven't booked a call with your team.
Automate prospect ownership in several simple steps:
Set "Watch New Contacts" trigger first
Add new action "Update Setter Owner" and set with which setter you'd like to update selected leads
Leads will be assigned automatically as "Current Setter Owner"
Build additional actions if needed to notify Setters (e.g. email).
Can I randomly assign setters?
Round and robin options are not available for this automation
Alternatively, you can assign all leads to the sales manager who will be doing reassigning from iClosed per your process or to leave all empty and assign in bulk manually from iClosed.
Learn more about assigning leads in bulk here.
What are the options for assigning different setters to leads?
There are two scenarios available for assigning setters automatically, but it depends on your internal process. Here's how:
When a team member is managing leads in CRM first
Create Make scenario with workflow starting with lead ownership in CRM
set iClosed action for looking into lead
Use iClosed action for assigning setters to the same lead as it was assigned in CRM
With this setup you will ensure all leads that are assigned to owner in CRM are automatically assigned to the same user in iClosed.
When team members are managing leads in iClosed first
There are two available options depending on how you'd like to set up automation:
Assigning setters per lead status
(e.g. Potential = Setter 1, disqualified/qualified = setter 2)Trigger would be iClosed new contact created - e.g. Potential
Assign to specific setter
Create additional scenarios for other lead statuses - e.g. Qualified/Disqualified and assign to specific setter
Assigning leads per event
(e.g. Event 1 = Setter 1, Event 2 = Setter 2)Trigger would be iClosed new contact created
Split the workflow into paths per event name
Assign to specific setter per event name
Create additional scenarios for other lead statuses - e.g. Qualified/Disqualified and assign to specific setter
Learn more about iClosed Global Data Appointment Setting feature.
How to add note from CRM or any other tool to iClosed contact card
How to add note from CRM or any other tool to iClosed contact card
Follow the next steps:
Create scenario with the app trigger from where you'd like to pull information to be sent to iClosed Contact card notes.
Set iClosed action "Create a New Contact Note"
The note will be added to prospect Contact Card, visible in the "Notes" section and the "Contact Card Journey" as well.
Learn more about how to add notes in iClosed Contact Card.
Setting up iClosed events to be added and show up as "Busy" in your private (secondary) calendars
Setting up iClosed events to be added and show up as "Busy" in your private (secondary) calendars
Here's how to set up Make automation in case you're running more than one business, or for any other reason you need to book slots in different calendars, that must show as "Busy" in the secondary calendar.
Select iClosed Contact Call booked trigger
Choose Google Calendar action Create detailed Event
Make sure to map all fields you'd like to have in secondary calendar
Even though Google should add these event in "Busy" status by default, to be safe please set "Busy" in Show me as Free or Busy option
Once you're done, your event will appear as added event in "Busy" status in the secondary calendar as well, not just as shared from the other calendar.
Pro tips
You can use the same steps in reversed way in case you'd need to send out events from your alternate calendar to the primary calendar.
But, kindly note that iClosed already provides option for checking against conflicts in secondary calendars in the AI Scheduler → Calendar Connections page.
Additionally, you can always troubleshoot Availability to double check which Google Calendar events iClosed sees as taken slots in the AI Scheduler → Availability → Launch troubleshooter.
Updating secondary calendar via Make
To receive updates from iClosed about cancelled and rescheduled events, you'd need to set up additional zaps for cancelled calls and rescheduled calls. Simply select:
iClosed Call Cancelled or Call Rescheduled trigger
Action Google Calendar Find Event
For cancelled calls select Google Calendar Delete event action and for rescheduled calls, select Google Calendar Update Event
In both cases select event - Custom value and select Event ID from Google Find Event in step #2
Test it out and the event per ID will be deleted or updated from Google Calendar.
Learn more about how to cancel or reschedule call in iClosed.
How to send iClosed information as Slack notification
How to send iClosed information as Slack notification
Pro tips
iClosed has direct Slack integration that is available with all subscription plans. But, in case you'd like to connect one iClosed account with more than one Slack workspace, you do that by building a Make scenario as per instructions below.
iClosed Potential is the only trigger that requires additional setup since it fires the trigger twice (learn more about it here and how to prevent duplicates).
Here're the steps:
select any iClosed trigger from which you'd like to send data to Slack
select Slack action per your preference (e.g. send message to channel, direct message, etc...), configure which details you'd like to send over and you're done (
See all available Slack triggers and actions here).
How to send WhatsApp message to prospects
How to send WhatsApp message to prospects
Kindly note that Make is allowing connection with WhatsApp business accounts only ( see all information about WhatsApp triggers and actions here).
But this kind of a setup is applicable to any text message provider who has actions available in Make for sending out messages.
Here're the steps:
select any iClosed trigger from which you'd like to send data via WhatsApp.
Usually it's Contact call booked for sending confirmation message to the leadselect WhatsApp action send message
Connect your WhatsApp by entering API key from your business account
Configure message
Learn more about how iClosed SMS notifications work.
As per shown above, iClosed provides triggers for almost every scenario you may need. But in case you have an improvement proposal what we should include in Make, or if we need to introduce additional information to the existing triggers and actions, feel free to let us know by contacting our Customer Support team via chat button below.