Invitee questions are the form fields that are going to be displayed on you scheduler form, for your leads to populate.
To access invitee questions, go to AI Scheduler > Events and click on any your already created event or click on "Create New Event" button to build it from scratch. You will be redirected to Event creation/editor page, from where you'll be able to access Invitee Questions settings on the left.
We have divided the invitee questions into two categories, which is the reason why we call our scheduler a "2-step scheduler":
Primary Questions: Visitor will be asked to fill out two primary questions first (phone number or email and name), and as soon first field is populated, it will be captured as potential contact in Global Data.
Secondary Questions: Only once the visitor answered the primary questions on the form, all secondary questions will appear on the scheduler.
Primary Questions
Form page will show two primary questions for your leads to fill out by default:
Phone number or Email - depending of your preference and
Full name - shown as one box or can be separated into First Name and Last Name
Only once the leads have filled out answers to these two primary questions, all other additional questions will appear on the form.
We designed the form this way to ensure you collect basic information about the Lead so you can follow up with them even if they drop off at any moment before scheduling a call.
Business/Enterprise subscription plan users have an additional option to accept business email address as the invitee email.
For example, if this is turned on, and lead uses personal email, they will be shown an error message that the email required is business email only (check out our pricing breakdown per subscription plans here).
Secondary Invitee Questions
You can add up to ten (10) additional, secondary questions to your form, by creating them manually and utilizing following field types:
Short text - good for short text entries, such as "Your current position in the company"
Long text - excellent for capturing detailed information from the lead, such as "Describe your current sales process"
Checkbox - for answers with multiple selected options you've created for a lead to select, for example "What do you expect to improve with our service - select all that applies"
Radio button - for single options to be selected, according to the predefined options set, such as "Company size"
Date and Time - for date/time entries, such as "Select year of birth"
URL - for website or social network account information. For example "Company website"
Number - for collecting information that you need in numbering format. For example "Enter your current net revenue"
You can use secondary questions as Event Custom Field columns in Global Data, to see data according to answers provided by leads, filter it out if needed and dive deeper into what your invitees are answering the most.
Business and Enterprise subscription plans (see our pricing breakdown) have additional option, to create, save and track all Invitee Questions as Event Custom Field in Tracking menu.
This premium feature helps you avoid creating duplicates, and to create all necessary questions on one page, that you can use across multiple events.
Pro tips
iClosed is offering additional feature inside the Invitee Questions section called Pre-qualified form skipping.
Perfect way for setting up quick calls with known leads, who are qualified already (learn more about it here).
All you need to do is to set up parameters for pre-populating prospect data:
Phone number parameters
Email parameters
Name parameters
Learn more on how to pre-populate invitee answers.