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Notifications explained
Notifications explained

Learn how to tailor your email and SMS reminders to ensure your invitees are timely notified and keep your attendance high

Updated over 3 months ago

This is the section where you can tailor email and SMS notifications.

Important Notes

SMS reminders (text messages) come at additional price and the feature can be turned on by account admin only, in Event Builder.

By keeping your SMS wallet topped up in Settings → Billing menu you will ensure all text messages to be sent out.

To access Event Notifications section navigate to AI Scheduler → Events and click on:

  • Any existing Event → and select Notifications section from the left side menu or

  • Create New Event → and define event details and hosts first in order to be able to access the Notifications section

Notification options

  1. Setting up Reply-to address (outbound email domain)

  2. Confirmation Email setup and customization

  3. Cancellation Email setup and customization

  4. Email Reminders setup and customization

  5. SMS Reminders setup and customization

All emails and SMS can be turned ON and OFF by clicking on the toggle button next to their respective section.


Bear in mind that Confirmation Emails and Cancellation Emails are being sent out to Hosts and Invitees both.
In case of turning them OFF, both parties will not receive those emails, which would decrease your attendance rate.

Reply-to address

iClosed offers two options for you to choose:

  1. Host's email address

    Invitee will be able to reply back to your email

  2. iClosed "no-reply" email address
    Invitee will not be able to reply back to you

Emails general information

We have three types of email notifications available:

  • Confirmation Emails

  • Cancellation Emails

  • Email Reminders

All emails have available same variables (merge fields), that will pull information from your Event Forms Invitees filled out or/and other details about your Event, and email text format options.

Here're available variables:

  • Invitee First Name

  • Invitee Last Name

  • Event Name

  • Closer Name

  • Event Date

  • Event Time

  • Event Location

  • Event Link

Here're available email text format options:

  • Bold

  • Italic

  • Underline

  • Linking text

  • Undo

  • Redo

Confirmation Email

Pro tips

In case you're using an option to send out emails from Hosts email domain (Google account that is connected for every host in Calendar connections), it is super important for you to understand that:

  • Confirmation email subject will appear as Google Calendar event title

  • Confirmation email body will appear as Google Calendar event details

Meaning, you will be able to customize the title and description of the event appearance in your Google Calendar by adding the copy and variables from inside the iClosed account.

More importantly, your Gmail address will send RSVP event confirmation (Yes/No/Maybe) automatically to your leads, so it's advisable to have it turned on.

This option will help you keeping your show up rate high, or giving you more information in advance about potential no-shows (e.g. if replied with Maybe).


  • Predefined template → "Confirmed: Event Name with Closer Name on Event Date"

  • Characters limit → up to 100 characters


  • Predefined template →
    "Hi Invitee First Name Invitee Last Name

    Your Event: Event Name with Closer Name at Event Time on Event Date is scheduled.

    Invitee Question Answers


    Closer Name"

  • Characters limit → up to 1500 characters

Option to Include cancel and reschedule links in invitee's confirmation and reminder emails

This option has been turned ON by default, and can be turned off by unchecking the box

Important note

If turn off Confirmation email, both invitee and hosts will not receive the confirmation and rescheduling emails from iClosed once the call is booked.
This may decrease your show-up rate.

But in case you can't focus on the other emails in your inbox, set a Label in the Gmail and automation for all confirmation emails get labeled automatically.

Cancellation Email


  • Predefined template → "Cancelled: Event Name with Closer Name on Event Date"

  • Characters limit → up to 100 characters


  • Predefined template →
    "Hi Invitee First Name Invitee Last Name

    Your Event: Event Name with Closer Name at Event Time on Event Date is cancelled.

    Invitee Question Answers


    Closer Name"

  • Characters limit → up to 1500 characters

Important Notes

In case of tuning off Cancellation emails both your invitee and hosts will not receive the cancellation email from iClosed once the call is cancelled.

Email Reminders

Perfect feature for reminding your invitees about upcoming scheduled events. Once turned ON, invitee will receive reminder emails before the scheduled events at specified times you've defined in iClosed.


  • Predefined template → "Reminder: Event Name with Closer Name is at Event Time on Event Date"

  • Characters limit → up to 100 characters


  • Predefined template →
    "Hi Invitee First Name Invitee Last Name
    This is a friendly reminder that your Event Name with Closer Name is at Event Time on Event Date.
    Event Location
    Closer Name"

  • Characters limit → up to 1500 characters


Set when you want reminder to be sent out. Add a number and choose between:

  • Hour(s) before

  • Minute(s) before

  • Day(s) before

Adding Another Reminder

iClosed allows you to add up to five total reminders (One as default when feature is turned ON, and four additional).

Email template will remain the same for all reminders turned ON.

Reminders added would have their times gradually increased by default, depending of the default reminder set and the number set for the time.

In case you want to add more reminders and use different time units, that's available as well. And, bear in mind that email reminders set to go out further into past, will not be sent out if invitee scheduled meeting after the email reminder is scheduled to go out.

Important Note

Ensure that email notifications setup is aligned with
Event Time & Limits → Guest cannot schedule within to maximize call attendance.

Pro tips

Creating customized reminder messages that will differ from the email reminders is available with AI Scheduler → Automations → Workflows (learn more here).

Automations are part of iClosed premium features, accessible with Business and Enterprise subscription plan users (learn more about feature breakdown here).

SMS (text message) Reminders

SMS (or Short Message Service) plays a crucial role in boosting the show-up rate of leads, that will help you increase sales in the end.

iClosed uses a third-party service to send SMS messages to leads, and the cost of each SMS varies depending on the region.

Important Note

While Confirmation and Cancellation emails are being turned ON by default, email reminders and SMS reminders are not, and you would need to turn them ON.

SMS reminders can be turned ON by Super Admin only, in Event Builder.

In case you've turned SMS on, we recommend enabling automatic recharge in the

Settings → Billing menu to keep your credit balance topped up automatically, which will prevent messages failing to be sent out.

To use SMS services seamlessly, your account need to have funds allocated specifically for SMS usage. This process involves purchasing credits and maintaining a balance to ensure uninterrupted SMS service (learn more about SMS pricing here).

You can top up your wallet in Settings → Billing, by clicking on "Buy credits" button.

Available variables

are the same as for email reminders:

  • Invitee First Name

  • Invitee Last Name

  • Event Name

  • Closer Name

  • Event Date

  • Event Time

  • Event Location

  • Event Link

SMS text message Body

  • Predefined template → "Hi Invitee First Name, Reminder! your event Event Name is scheduled with Closer Name on Event Date at Event Time. Join: Event Location


SMS text message format consists out of message segments (parts), where each segment contains usually up to 160 characters.

Price cost of the SMS will be applied to message segments (parts), not per message written in the SMS Body. Therefore, we advise you to keep messages as short as possible, maximum up to two message segments (parts).

Estimated number of characters for the Predefined template shown above is more than 160 characters (two message segments), which means, the cost of every reminder sent out will be doubled (learn more about it here).

Number of characters may vary, depending of the information pulled from Event variables (Merge fields) added to the text message body.

  • Maximum number of characters → up to 900 characters (equivalent to 6 message segments = 6 x cost of text message for your country/region)​

  • Maximum number of message parts (segments) → up to 6 segments

Adding another reminder

Same as with email reminders, iClosed allows you to add up to five total reminders
(1 as default when feature is turned ON, and 4 additional).

SMS text message template will remain the same for all reminders turned ON.

Reminders added would have their times gradually increased by default, depending of the default reminder set and the number set for the time.

Pro tips

Creating customized reminder messages that will differ from the SMS reminders in the Event Builder → Notifications is available with AI Scheduler → Automations → Workflows (learn more here).

Automations are part of iClosed premium features, accessible with Business and Enterprise subscription plans (check out our pricing breakdown article here).

Notification general tips and best practices

Pro tips


  1. Keep your text messages as short as possible, up to two segments max

  2. Combine email and SMS reminders, but use SMS reminder as the last one, hitting 30-60 minutes before event start time

  3. Use one SMS reminder for events available to be scheduled within 24 hours

  4. Last but not least, keep your SMS reminders aligned with Event Time & Limits → Guest cannot schedule within setup

Emails ✉️

To utilize email reminders properly, we advise setting up to maximum of two email reminders for events available to be scheduled within 24 hours.

One to go out one day before the event, sometime before the usual end of the working day for your invitees and one at least an hour before the meeting should take place.

Otherwise you may have your invitees overwhelmed with number of emails. We're all having too many emails landing into our inbox every day already 😄

For events that need to be scheduled ahead of time, for example minimum two days in advance, we advise to have more than two email reminders.

Emails ✉️ + SMS 📲

Ideally, combination of emails and SMS is proven as the best practice for sending the reminders out.
Well organized timely touches sent to your leads will keep call attendance high.

Utilize iClosed Workflows ↪️

AI Scheduler → Automations helps you to customize notification templates, making them more personalized and sending them at different times from the ones sent in Event Notifications, which enhances attendance and lead experience both.

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