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Collaborative Workflow with Rendering Reports
Collaborative Workflow with Rendering Reports

How to enable your team with tools to test, discuss, and improve your content within the Inbox Monster Creative Rendering platform

David Inman avatar
Written by David Inman
Updated over a week ago

Rendering Reports can be shared with users inside and outside of your Inbox Monster account, and the collaborative features can be used to facilitate discussion via Comments, highlight key items via Proofing, and Edit and Re-Run reports all within the platform.

This article outlines each of these processes:

๐Ÿ’ก Note: Non-Inbox Monster users who have been given access to Shareable versions of rendering reports are referred to as "External Viewers"

These External Viewers are able to view full reports, as well as Comment, Respond, and Proof, but are unable to alter HTML or Re-Run any element of Rendering Reports.

Commenting and Proofing

Inbox Monster's Creative Rendering platform enables Administrators, Users, and External Viewers to comment on individual device previews or for general, non-device specific observations.

They can also Reply to comments to confirm receipt and keep the collaboration going - here's how it works!

General Comments

General Comments can be left by any user or viewer of a Rendering Report by clicking on the Add Comment button in the top right corner of the report.

General Comments can be assigned to either the Desktop or Mobile general preview.

General Comments are now visible to all Users and External Viewers within the Proof section of the Rendering Report.

Device Preview Comments

Device Preview Comments can also be left by any user or viewer of a Rendering Report by clicking on the desired Device Preview, then clicking on the Comment icon at the top of the preview.

You'll then be presented with a text box to input the Device-specific comment, then click Add to save and exit.

Administrators and Users will also be able to Reply, Resolve, or Edit their comments once Added.

Replying to and Resolving Comments

Administrators, Users, and External Viewers all have the ability to Reply to both General Comments and Device Preview Comments.

General Comments can Replied to and Resolved from the Proofing view, and Device Preview Comments can be Replied to and Resolved from both the Proofing view and the specific Device Preview.

Yourself and other users have the option to Resolve and Reply To these comments.

Replies are visible to all users and viewers, and include Author and Timestamp:

Checking the Resolve Box will remove the comment from default view. Resolved comments can still be viewed via the Proofing tab, selecting the filter dropdown on the top right corner.

Editing HTML Content

Within each Rendering report, the Editor section combines traditional HTML preview and editor tools into one comprehensive tool.

This tool is perfect for making edits to code and then being able to preview those changes in the same view.

For code changes to appear in the preview, you must click the โ€˜Saveโ€™ button.

Change in Progress:

In the screenshot above, the HTML content has been altered but not saved.

Saving your changes:

To save changes, click Save Changes in the top right corner.

You'll be prompted to either overwrite the current HTML (Save HTML) or Save a New Version, with Custom Version Naming and Save Notes.

Once saved, the changes will be reflected in Proofing and the Editor preview pane.

Now that you've made some changes to your HTML content, you'll likely want to Re-Run sections of your report to accurately reflect those changes.

Re-Running Edited Rendering Reports

At this stage, you may have used the Editor tool to implement changes suggested by your team via Comments, Replies, and Resolutions.

Now you might want to re-run certain elements of your Rendering Report to accurately reflect your changes.

Re-Run Previews

Administrators and Users can Re-Run Device Previews with updated content by clicking on the Re-Run Previews button in the top right of the Previews section.

*Re-running Previews may take up to 2 minutes to complete

๐Ÿ’ก Re-running Creative Project Previews will not count toward your Creative Projects allocation total.

Re-Run Link and Image Validation

Administrators and Users can Re-Run Validation on updated content by clicking the Re-Run Validation button in the top right of the Link and Images sections.

Re-Run Spam and Spelling Checks

Similar to Links and Images, Administrators and Users can Re-Run Images on updated content by clicking the Re-Run Spam/Spell Check buttons in the top right of each section.

The above methods for Re-Running each subsection is a great way to continue collaborating on a specific piece of content as changes are made.

Creating a New Rendering Report

If you'd rather start fresh and create a brand new Rendering Report with updated Content Analysis and Accessibility, you could download your new, updated HTML content and directly by clicking on the three vertical dots in the top right of your report, then selecting Download HTML.

The downloaded HTML content can then be pasted directly into the HTML upload portal via Creative Tools > Projects > Create Rendering Test

Internal Testing of Rendering Content

Internal Testing of Rendering Content can be performed by Administrators and Users at any time using the Send Test button at the top right of the Report's Proofing section.

The test can then be sent to up to 5 email addresses. Separate email addresses using a comma.


๐Ÿ’ก Test sends are sent from

Now that your content is ready for the spotlight, we recommend running a Campaign Report to gauge the Inbox Placement for your send, ahead of your deployment.

Check with your Account Manager if you'd like to know more about Inbox Placement testing!

This article has outlined a workflow for collaborating on your HTML Content with fellow Inbox Monster users and External Viewers.

If you're interested in learning more Creative Rendering with Inbox Monster, here are a few similar articles.

We're very excited to be sharing our suite of Rendering features - please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

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