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How to check the results of a specific Marketing SMS Campaign?
How to check the results of a specific Marketing SMS Campaign?
Candice Sandler avatar
Written by Candice Sandler
Updated over a week ago

To track a specific Marketing SMS campaign follow the below steps;

  • Click on Self Service.

  • Click on Marketing SMS.

  • Click on Marketing.

  • Click on the pencil on the specific SMS you want to track the results for.

  • On the left hand side of the screen, you can view the SMS results.

    a) Candidates - refers to the number of candidates populated by the system.

    b) SMS Delivered - refers to the SMS's that was successfully delivered.

    c) Awaiting Response - refers to the number of candidates we are still pending response for the candidate's network provider.

    d) Unsubscribed - refers to the number of candidates who have unsubscribed from this specific SMS.

    e) Undelivered - refers to the number of candidates where the SMS was unsuccessful, This can be caused by network, or the candidate's number is not connected.

    f) Queue Pending - refers to the number of candidates still pending in the SMS queue.

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