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Creating a Bid Package

Create a bid package to facilitate the bidding process for a scope of work.

JD Williams avatar
Written by JD Williams
Updated over a week ago


Our Bid Packages module allows you to create and send RFPs, receive proposals, and complete bid leveling all in one place. When you have selected a winning bidder, proceed to contract and carry the details from the proposal into the contract!


To add a bid package to a project, the Master Project Budget must be set up first, since you will be prompted to connect the bid package Bid Form Items to your budget's cost codes. This will allow you to see how the received proposals compare to your budget for those cost codes. The budget does NOT need to be marked as Final Approved.


Add Bidders to your Company & Contact Listings

We recommend adding your bidders to your company and contacts listings before creating and sending the bid package. This will save time when you are ready to send the bid package because the recipients will already be populated in your workspace. Add the bidding companies to Companies, and the individual contacts to Contacts. Adding the bidders to your company and contact listings will not send them an invitation to join INGENIOUS. The invitation will be sent with the invitation to respond to the bid package.

Create the Bid Package

Navigate to Bid Packages using the Project Navigation Menu.

Click Create Bid Package.

Select the Bid Package / RFP Workspace Recipient Type to identify the type of company you would like to request the proposal from:

Note: This selection will dictate the type of company this bid package can be sent to. For example, if you create an Architect/Engineer/Designer RFP, you will send the RFP to companies that you have noted as Designers within Companies in your workspace.

Select the Contract Holder Type (only applicable in an Owner's Rep workspace type).

Enter Bid Details (required)

Using the Tabs on the top of the screen, fill out the information that you will share with your bidders.

The first tab is the Details tab which includes:

-General Bid Details: enter the RFP name and verify the potential contract type and other relevant details. The Bid Package Manager will default to the person creating the bid package. You can have multiple bid package managers. The Bid Package Manager(s) will receive notifications related to the bid package. You can also choose to make this bid a Sealed Bid.

​-Bidding Schedule: Bidders will not be able to submit a bid package after the Bid Due Date unless you edit the bid package and extend the date.

You can also opt to enable email reminders and choose when and how often these will be sent to the bidders.

​-Project Schedule: provide other relevant dates to your bidders.

Move through the Tabs by clicking Next Step, or Save as Draft to save your progress.

Enter Scope of Bid Package (optional)

Provide more detail to your bidders about the Project and about the specific Scope of Work you are requesting a proposal for. Type directly into these boxes or use keyboard shortcuts to Copy and Paste from another document:

PC: Control + V to paste

Mac: Command + V to paste

Enter Bid Form Items (at least one is required)

Note: Bid Form Items were previously referred to as Quoted Items.

The Bid Form Items are the items that you want your bidders to provide pricing for. You can add them manually or load them from a previously created template. The steps below will guide you through loading from a template:

Click Load From Template.

Select an Bid Form template.

Click Load.

Make any applicable edits to the Bid Form Items: click πŸ—‘ icon to delete, re-arrange the list by dragging and dropping the three-line icon to the left, or rename by clicking on the pencil icon.

Specify if any items should be considered Alternates by clicking on the toggle next to the Item Description. Items specified as Alternates will be broken out as separate costs from the base bid when leveling bids after receiving proposals.

Assign Cost Codes. Use the Apply to All button if the entire proposal will hit the same cost code on your budget.

Note: your bidders will not see your cost codes or your budget.

Upload References (optional)

Add Drawing sets, Specifications, and Files (if applicable) to share with your bidders for their review.

Click Upload or drag and drop a file to add documents.

Enter Insurance Requirements (optional)

Use the Insurance Requirements tab to let your bidders know what the insurance requirements will be for the project.

Add Insurance Requirement or Load from Template.

Enter the Name and Minimum Value for each requirement.

If applicable, add Child Insurance Requirements to the Parent Insurance Requirement. For example, add "Each Occurrence" as a Child under the "Excess Liability" Parent.

If applicable, attach a document with more information about the required insurance.

Enter Questions & Answers (Q&A's) (optional)

The Q&A tab allows you to enter questions to qualify and differentiate bidders against each other. You can either add questions manually or load from a Q&A template.Β 

Examples of questions to ask in the Q&A tab include:

  1. What is your safety record?

  2. Please confirm your mark-up percentage.

  3. Please confirm, Yes or No, that you have reviewed the attached Drawings and Files.

To add a Question:

Click Add Question, then select the Type of response the bidder is allowed to respond to the question with:
​Text Input: Bidder can type their answer into a text box

Yes/No: Bidder will have to select Yes or No
​Drop-down: Allows bidder to choose one option from available options that you configure
​Multi-select: Allows bidders to choose multiple options from available options that you configure
​Number: Limits bidder to only input a numerical response
​Attachment: Requires bidder to upload an attachment

Enter the question you want the bidders to answer.

Duplicate a question, Click Add Question to create more questions, or Load from Template:


Click Save. The next steps will be to select bidders and send your RFP.

Next Steps

See Also

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