An employee's account type determines the level of access to the workspace an employee has within Ingenious. Account types are assigned to all users across the platform. The process below breaks down default account types and how to create custom account types.
Who can assign Employees an Account Type?
To add / edit account types, you must be assigned an Administrator account type. To see which account type you have, go to the avatar symbol located in the left navigation bottom corner. Your account type will be listed here.
Note: Only Enterprise Subscribers can have access to Account Types.
Setting / Editing an Employee's Account Type
1. Navigate to the "Employees" module located in the left-hand navigation menu.
2. Select the employee whose information you want to edit; their profile card will appear. Next, click on "Edit Employee."
3. Click the "Account Type" drop-down menu and select the desired Account Type to change.
4. Click Save
Note: the account type you give an employee does not relate to the job role or title of the employee, it is only used as a setting to grant certain access to the platform.
Default Account Types
Within your workspace, there is a set of default account types available for you to assign to employees.
Note: The majority of account types will be either an administrator, a project executive, or a project manager. The account types as assigned in Ingenious do not necessarily relate to your role within your organization.
All account types have automatic access to Contacts (Companies & Contacts)
Accounting: access to the Employees module, all accounting modules (payroll report, profitability report, etc.), access to all projects, and view of all employee timesheets/expenses
*Administrator*: access to every module and project within the workspace. Only account type that has access to Company Settings.
Engineer (Design): access to assigned projects only
IT Administrator: access to every module within the workspace. Only able to view Project and General Items information for Employee records.
Project Executive: ability to create projects, edit Lists & Templates, edit Funding Sources (if workspace applicable), contracts, access to projects assigned to, employee resource planning, employee scheduling, employee timesheets (no access to employee's profile)
Project Manager: access to assigned projects only unless Admin overwrites the ability for Project Manager to create projects within the Company Settings, view only rights to List & Templates module
Shop Foreman (Sub): access to assigned projects, personal expenses, and schedule
Sales Executive: access to employee timesheets, funding sources, all projects, all timesheets/expenses
See Also