Visits dashboard overview

This is an optional feature that can be enabled on a clinic basis

Updated over a week ago

🎞️ View video tutorial: Viewing your Visits dashboard

The Visits dashboard is a list of all your appointments for the day and optimizes a provider's workflow. From the Visits dashboard, you can view your patient appointments for the day (including the status of the appointment), access a patient's chart, start an encounter, and view and add bills.

To access the Visits dashboard, from the main menu, click Visits.

📌 Note: This is an optional feature that can be enabled for your clinic. If you do not see the Visits icon in the main menu, contact the support team for more information.

The Visits dashboard appears, showing all appointments for today.

You can expand the window to see more information and move it around your screen.

For more information about customizing the Visits dashboard and available actions, see:

Updated December 29, 2021

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