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Searching for data in patient charts

Find specific files, lab results, and other data in a patient chart

Updated over a week ago

You can search within a patient chart to find data, such as a specific lab result or a file saved in the chart. You can also search the patient summary when you expand a section and use your web browser's search feature to search for key words; for example to find the occurrence of "colonoscopy" in the summary.

💡 Tip: To search for text on any window within the TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR), use the Google Chrome search function (Ctrl/Cmd F) to open your web browser's search functionality. This enables you to find key words without having to scroll through the entire window.


1. Open the patient chart.

2. To search for a key word in encounters:

a) Open the encounters list (see Navigating encounters).

b) Click All Encounters and choose the encounter range to show.

c) On your keyboard, press Ctrl/Cmd F to open your web browser's search functionality.

d) Type the key word(s) to find.

3. To search for a lab result:

a) Open the patient Summary (see Navigating the patient Summary).

b) In the Lab Results section, click the details arrow on the right side of the header. The detailed lab results appear on the right.

c) In the Search field at the top, type the result to find.

4. To search for a file:

a) Open the patient Summary (see Navigating the patient Summary).

b) In the Files section, click the details arrow on the right side of the header. The detailed file list appear on the right.

c) In the Search field at the top, type the file to find.

Patient files section with search field highlighted

5. To search for other data in the patient Summary:

a) Open the patient Summary (see Navigating the patient Summary).

b) Click the header of the section that you want to search to expand its contents.

c) On your keyboard, press Ctrl/Cmd F to open your web browser's search functionality.

d) Type the key word(s) to find.

Updated December 07, 2022

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