CHR Release Notes - version 22.7

April 27, 2022

Updated over a week ago


Viewing an inbox item in your preferred window size

When you click an inbox item, it initially opens in the standard window size. To see the comments section for labs, faxes and files on the right-hand side, you must maximise the window.

Your workstation browser now remembers the window size of the last inbox item you viewed: standard or maximum window size. This reduces the amount of clicks when working through your inbox items, especially if you prefer viewing them in a full-size window.

📌 Note: If you switch workstations and the previous user prefers to view their inbox items in a different window size than you, you must click the resizing icon once for the workstation browser to remember your setting.

Merging your referral waitlists

You can now merge entire referral waitlists. This is useful when a provider, for example, retires, goes on an extended vacation, or leaves your clinic. You can merge their waitlist(s) with another provider’s waitlist at your clinic. For more information, see Merging your referral waitlists.

Viewing the prescription delivery method

When viewing the list of a patient’s prescriptions, you can now see if a prescription was faxed or printed. The icons on the left indicate the delivery method: printed or faxed. If a prescription was not printed or faxed, the pill icon remains.

Ontario - New status for underpaid or overpaid claims

We now have a new claim status, Adjusted, which applies to any claims where OHIP paid more or less than what was claimed. Previously when you received your claims from OHIP, rejected claims (OHIP paid nothing), as well as those with an adjusted claim value (i.e., OHIP paid less or more than was submitted), where all labeled Attention Required in the CHR. This made it challenging to manage reporting and accounting associated with your OHIP claims. See Managing rejected bills from the Claims Error report (Ontario).

📌Note: This improvement only applies to your bills going forward.

PEI - Provincial billing improvements

  • When creating a billing item, you can now add any facility when you select the facility type Virtual Care.

  • We added a new facility, Operational Stress Injury Clinic (OSI) to the CHR.

  • When creating a billing item with fee code 2501, under Facility Type, you can now select Walk-in Clinic.

Adding encounter templates to presenting issues is now easier

When you link an encounter template to a presenting issue in your CHR settings, the list of encounter templates is now alphabetically sorted. See Creating presenting issues (reason for visit).

Managing summary view settings more efficiently

When you customise the patient summary view for your clinic or your own CHR account, and you add a section, the list to choose from is now sorted alphabetically. See Customising the patient summary view.


  • Disabling the TELUS Health patient portal/eBooking for specific patients prevents patients from booking any appointments online.

What's new in the CHR help

Here’s what we recently added and updated in the CHR help (

  • CHR Webinar recording: Did you miss our webinar on April 22, 2022 about “Engaging your patients as active participants in their own care"? No problem! You can view the recording and learning resources here.

Scheduled time of update: Evening of April 26, 2022

No preparation is required in advance of the update. All CHR update activities are managed by TELUS Health via a zero-downtime rolling deployment in the CHR’s cloud infrastructure, which allows the system to operate without interruption of service during updates. No data migration is required as part of this update.

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