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All CollectionsBillingProvincial (AHCIP) billing (Alberta)
Submitting provincial bills created prior to the H-Link integration (Alberta)
Submitting provincial bills created prior to the H-Link integration (Alberta)
Updated over a week ago

If a provider begins billing before their account is integrated with H-Link, you can still submit their bills once the integration is set up. You know a provider hasn't been integrated if you create a bill and No Billing Provider Selected appears under the Billing practitioner.

These bills remain in the Billing dashboard and cannot be submitted to H-Link. After the integration, you can submit these bills to H-Link by linking them to the newly integrated provider.


1. When you create bills, use the Draft status.

2. Once the provider's account is integrated with H-Link, open the Billing dashboard and open the draft bill you want to submit.

3. In the Edit Insured Payment window, click the Billing Practitioner.

3. In the drop-down, select the same billing practitioner already selected on the bill. This links the billing practitioner on the bill to their H-Link-integrated Billing Practitioner.

If, below the Billing Practitioner, via Alberta HLink displays, and the Submitter prefix, Billing number, Business arrangement # and Skill appear, you know the provider is successfully integrated and is ready to bill.

4. Change the Draft status to Ready to Submit.

5. Click Save. The bill is submitted to H-Link today at 11 a.m. or 3:30 p.m.

Updated June 29, 2022

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