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CHR AI-powered: Patient matching for incoming documents
CHR AI-powered: Patient matching for incoming documents
Updated over 3 months ago

📌 Note: There is a monthly fee for CHR AI-powered features based on usage. Contact the TELUS Health Sales team for more information (refer to Contact us).

With the CHR AI-powered inbox management feature, triaging documents becomes more efficient. When you receive a fax or upload a document in your inbox, instead of manually searching for a patient to attach the document to, the system attempts to automatically match it to a patient in the CHR.

If a document includes more than one patient, like a hospital report, instead of manually splitting a document, the system attempts to match the pages to patients in the CHR and automatically split the document. Refer to CHR AI-powered: Managing incoming documents.

If the system is unable to match the document or parts thereof to patients in your database, the system attempts to create a new patient.

📌Note: The CHR uses a different matching tool but the same criteria to match incoming electronic labs automatically to patients.

The CHR finds matches based on Identification, Date of birth, Sex, First Name and Last Name.

When one or more patients are detected, you can see how the patient was matched. A confidence rating of High, Medium, Low or Id only is shown. Hover over the rating to see what search criteria the patient was matched on.

The match confidence is categorized as follows:

Match confidence



All five criteria (Identification, Date of Birth , Sex, First Name and Last Name) matched a patient chart.


Identification and Date of Birth matched a patient chart and at least one of First Name, Last Name or Sex, or Identification did not match a patient chart, but all four other criteria matched.


Identification did not match a patient chart, but at least three other criteria matched.

Id only

Only the Identification matched a patient chart.

The demographic data the system finds is also highlighted in the PDF.

If no patient is found, the CHR suggests creating a new patient chart and attempts to auto-populate the patient’s First Name, Last Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Identifications, Street Address, Cellphone or Office phone, Email Address, Emergency Contact First Name and Last Name, Relationship, Phone Number, Family Doctor, Referring Practitioner fields and are marked with a purple frame. If a field cannot be auto-populated, it remains blank.

📌Note: In the rare case that the CHR cannot automatically match a patient to the document due to an error, click the magnifying icon in the PDF banner to search for the patient manually or create a new patient.

Updated October 17, 2024

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