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Understanding individual market prices
Understanding individual market prices

See market prices on individual wines in your collection.

Updated over 2 months ago

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How are market prices determined?

  • We populate the market price field on a regular basis, with data from:

    • Wine Searcher

    • Wine Market Journal

  • We also pull averages from InVintory user reported data to supplement further

Why are there sometimes no market prices?

  • Despite the above services, some wines remain without values.

  • This is typically because the data sources do not yet have established market values to pass on.

  • Other times it is because our systems pull data on a schedule. Newly added wines may take some time to have their data populated.

    • If a market value is not available, we will use the entered purchase price instead

    • If you have not entered a purchase price, we will assume the average price of a bottle of wine in your collection

Why are these prices different from the prices on other platforms?

  • If you encounter prices that are wildly different from other sources, please let us know.

  • However please know that our system is constantly updating, and price data may automatically correct on its own after a few weeks time.

How to update or add in the market price manually:

We do allow you to edit the market field and input a value that will help provide an accurate representation of the wine’s worth. To learn how to do this, see our article here.

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