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How to add bottles to your collection
How to add bottles to your collection
Updated over a month ago

Step 1: Add Bottles to Collection

There are 3 main ways to add bottles to your InVintory collection.

These include:

  1. Import - Mass import collection data through a spreadsheet or alternative platform. Please follow the steps here. Please use our import template as that drastically reduces wait times.

  2. Scan - Individually scan each bottle label on the iOS apps.

  3. Search - Individually search for each bottle label on any device, but it is recommend to do on desktop on our Desktop Site as it's usually faster to type there.

If you are adding labels one by one through scanning or searching, you will be prompted to fill out more information. To learn more about bottle details, see this article.

Step 2: Add Bottles to VinLocate

If you are on a paid subscription, the next step is to assign bottles to specific VinLocate slots. If you do not yet have VinLocate set up, please refer to this article.

Once have VinLocate set up, you can add bottles to slots:

  1. At the same time you add them to your collection - Ideal if you are adding bottles one by one

  2. At any time from the VinLocate tab - Ideal if you have already added bottles to your collection and/or are mass assigning them to slots

Add bottles to VinLocate at the same time you add them to your collection:

On the iPhone app:

  1. Make sure you have VinLocate notifications turned on. This will prompt a pop-up screen after adding new bottles to your collection, to add them to specific VinLocate slots.

  2. Add bottles to your collection by scanning or searching, adjust / add bottle details *make sure they are in the right storage*, and hit "Confirm". The different sections in your selected storage will appear. And you'll see a preview of the number of slots occupied. Choose a section.

  3. Tap on the specific slot you'd like to add the bottle to. Empty slots have a black silhouette.

  4. Tap "Add To Slot"

  5. A notification "Bottle updated" will appear. To confirm the bottle is in the right spot, close out of the adding bottle flow and go to the VinLocate tab. Navigate to the storage, then section, and you will see that slot now occupied with a full bottle and digital label.

Add bottles to VinLocate at any time:

On the iPhone app:

  1. From the home screen go to Storages.

  2. Select the cellar or fridge.

  3. Scroll down and tap on the specific Section you'd like to add bottles to.

  4. It will pull up the 3D model of that section. Empty and available slots are black with a white outlined silhouette.

  5. If you are working on a cellar rack, you will need to tap into the specific row / column. You can do this by simply tapping on where you'd like to go in the 3D rendering, or navigating to the bottom of the screen and selecting the specific row in the box at the bottom left.

  6. Once you are on an isolated row, tap the gold button at the bottom "Add Bottles"

  7. The available bottles in that storage will appear. If you want to access a bottle in another storage, tap on the different storages under the search bar.

  8. Tap on all the bottles you want, then "Select"

  9. You will see all the bottles appear at the bottom of the screen in a queue.

  10. Start tapping on each empty slot and you will begin to see it filled blue. Continue to do this until all the bottles are complete.

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