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Facilitation plan - When the course is ending

Text and templates for posts to talk channels or discussion forums at the end of your course.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 4 years ago

Congratulate and thank learners for completing the course. Remind them of and celebrate progress from the beginning of the course.

Saying goodbye

Outstanding! You’ve finished the course! And… seeing as this is the last course in the programme… you’ve finished the qualification! 

For some of you this might have been your first time studying, so well done! Think about how much you’ve learned and progressed from the first course to now. Hopefully you’ve got a whole new set of skills and are feeling ready to take those skills into a step into (or up) in [domain].

All the best for your future adventures!

Saying see you later

Or… if you’ll be seeing them again in the next course (or want to encourage them to sign up for the next course) try: 

Outstanding! You’ve finished the course! 

Think about just how much you’ve learned and progressed from the beginning of the course. Hopefully you’ve got a whole new set of skills and are feeling ready to apply these in [area]. 

For those of you already looking for your next challenge, up next in this suite is [course name]. This course [briefly describe the gist of the course] and will really [describe benefit for learner].

Hope to see you again in [next course name]!

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