Marking templates

Template Settings and what they mean

Rob avatar
Written by Rob
Updated over a week ago

Marking templates determine the marking options available to facilitators and coaches. An author needs to assign a template to each task in Create.

When a facilitator opens a task to give feedback or mark, they'll see:

  • The task

  • The learner's response

  • An area where they set the mark (e.g. complete, percentage) and possibly add feedback (e.g. text, audio, file).

Screenshot showing an example of open response task indicating the task, learner's response and marking tab to mark task and complete/incomplete along with feedback for learner

The exact options a facilitator sees in the area on the right depend on the marking template set by the author. 

The available Marking Template settings are:

Template Name: Complete/Incomplete
Scoring: Complete or Incomplete.

Template Name: Complete/Incomplete with feedback
Scoring: Complete or Incomplete
Feedback Method: Free-text box and file upload

Template Name: Correct/Incorrect
Scoring: Correct or Incorrect

Template Name: Correct/Incorrect with feedback
Scoring: Correct or Incorrect
Feedback Method: Free-text box and file upload

Template Name: Correct/Incorrect with audio feedback
Scoring: Correct or Incorrect
Feedback Method: Audio and file upload

Template Name: Achieved/Not yet achieved with feedback
Scoring: Achieved or Not yet achieved
Feedback Method: Free-text box and audio and file upload

Template Name: Percentage with feedback
Scoring: 1-100% percentage scale, for correct submission marking has to be 100% and for incorrect submission based upon how close the learners are you can mark them below 100% with feedback.
Feedback method: Free text box, audio and file upload

If no correct answer is provided for an auto marked task, then the Complete/Incomplete with feedback marking template will be assigned.

For more information about marking templates and things to consider see Choosing the right marking template for your context.

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