When you first start using tasks, because there are so many options, you might find the fields a bit daunting. In this article we'll take a look at:
the author and learner view of key fields
the fields you'll always see (no matter the task type)
some of the other relatively common fields.ย
Author and learner view
In the image below we've tried to show how learners will see the main fields you'll enter:
Fields you'll always see
Below you'll see the fields common to all task types.
Other common fields
Below you'll see the fields that are common across many tasks (but not all).
Hopefully this article helps to get a broad overview of the fields you're likely to see. Of course, because you can achieve a lot with the number of task types, each one has particular fields you might need to understand. For that, pop into the article specific to that type see Task types for a description of types and links to relevant articles.