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How to create a quiz with randomisation
How to create a quiz with randomisation

Authors can create quizzes which serve learners up a set number of tasks from within a task group (theme)

Sarika avatar
Written by Sarika
Updated over 7 months ago

What is a randomised quiz?

In a randomised quiz, you add tasks into Task groups within a quiz and learners get served up (at random) a set number of tasks from the task group.

How to add a task to a task group within a quiz

When you add a new task to a quiz you'll see the option for Task group under the Task name. Simply add what you'd like to call the task group.

Screenshot showing the Randomised theme group, here author has added this quiz under star theme.

Once you've created a task group, it will appear as an option for any other tasks you add to that quiz.

Note: Only authors see the task group names. They are not visible for learners.

You can have a mixture of task types in each task group.

To edit a task group (or add a task group when you copy an existing task), look for the edit (pencil icon) on the right of the task name.

Screenshot showing the edit and delete option for Randomised theme group author added to this quiz.

Once you've got all your tasks and added task groups, it will look something like this.

Screenshot showing the task assigned with Randomised theme group, separated into Stars, Planets and Moons.

Note: Not all of your tasks need to be in a task group. You can have a combination of tasks in a task group and stand alone tasks. The quiz just serves up all stand alone tasks and tasks the set amount of tasks (at random) from each task group.

Tasks can be edited (pencil) and reordered (via drag and drop). Tasks within a task group don't need to be reordered as they are randomly assigned to learners as they complete the quiz.

Note: There is a limit of five randomised task groups per quiz and 50 tasks per task group.

How to set the number of randomised tasks per group shown to learners

By expanding the task group (using the down arrow), you can set how many questions/task from that particular group you want learners to be presented with.

Image shows the number two set for how many questions will be randomly chosen from this group.

Let's look at an example, in a quiz if you have set three task groups (stars, planets, moons) and in this have:

  • 10 tasks about stars

  • 10 tasks about planets

  • 5 task about moons.

You'll need to set how many tasks get presented from each task group. For example if you set stars to 5, planets to 3 and moons to 2. For their attempt the learner will get a randomised:

  • 5 tasks from the stars tasks group

  • 3 tasks from the planets tasks group

  • 2 tasks from the moons tasks group

How randomised quizzes are marked

When viewing (or marking) a quiz, facilitators will only see tasks the learner completed as part of the quiz. They won't see any tasks which the learner did not complete.

For more on marking and scoring of quizzes in general, see An overview of scoring and marking with quizzes.

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