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How to add a quiz to your course
How to add a quiz to your course

Authors can create assessed or non-assessed quizzes made up of a number of tasks.

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over 3 months ago

As an author, you can add a quiz into your course. Quizzes are essentially just a group of tasks, but quizzes also allow some slightly different features e.g. time limits. You can use any combination of automatically and manually marked tasks in your quiz.

How to add a quiz video

This short video will give you a quick overview of creating a quiz.

How to add a quiz written instructions

How to add the quiz element

To add a quiz to your course, when you're editing a page, select +, then choose Quiz.

How to set up your quiz

Give your quiz a Name and add any Additional instructions that your learners will need to help them to complete your quiz. Then set the following options:

Quiz type - assessed or non-assessed (a practice quiz)

Decide if the quiz is assessed or non-assessed.

If assessed, you’ll need to choose how many attempts the learner can have. If non-assessed, the learner can reset and reattempt the quiz as many times as they like.

Time limit

Decide if the quiz has a time limit. If you leave this field as blank the learner will be able to take as long as they like to submit the quiz

When you set a time limit for a quiz the default behaviour is that if the learner leaves the page, the quiz timer will automatically be paused and start up again when they reload the page. This can be useful for non-assessed quizzes because it lets the learner practice completing the quiz within the timeframe.

Pass percentage

Decide if you'd like the quiz (applicable for both assessed and non-assessed) to have a pass percentage (set at quiz level not per task).

If you choose to have a pass percentage learners and facilitators will be able to see if the learner met the pass threshold. They will see a tick if the threshold was met or exceed and a cross if this was not met.

Image shows the quiz settings with a pass percentage set.

Then you will need to add tasks into your quiz.

How to add tasks to your quiz

To add tasks to your quiz you can either select Use existing tasks or select Create a new task.

Learn more: Find out more about the different task types available or how to add new tasks.

If you are using existing tasks you can choose to see your available tasks by either Recently used or by where they are in your Course content.

Copy exiting task drop down menu for View tasks by: Course content (selected), or Recently used.

You can choose to either Preview or Add one of your existing tasks.

Note: These are copies of your existing tasks, they are not linked to the original task. So, if you choose to edit a task you've copied into the quiz, it will not update the original version of the task.

How to edit, reorder or delete tasks

Once added, you can reorder (up/down arrows on left), edit (pencil icon on right) or remove (bin icon on right) the task.

Screenshot showing above with the icons being displayed left/right of the task title

​How to set the quiz settings

At the bottom of a quiz, authors also have some additional Quiz settings to choose from.

Screenshot showing all the Quiz setting available for author to assign in this quiz.

Learn more: For more detail on what each of these means, see Quiz settings.

How to save and review your quiz

Once you have added all your tasks and are happy with the settings for your quiz, Save.

Select Start to review your quiz as a learner or Review to see the correct answers highlighted to check the quiz is correct before publishing.

An overview of scoring and marking with quizzes

Within a quiz, each task is worth 1 point by default. You can change the points for each task in the task settings.

Correct tab showing a task with 5 points allocated.

For auto-marked tasks, learners will get either the full points assigned to the task or 0 points if incorrect. And, if the task has multiple responses (e.g. the matching, cloze, label task types), the learner must get all responses correct to get the points assigned to that task.

For manually marked tasks, learners will get the full points, 0, or a percentage of points depending on which marking template is chosen for a particular task.

Note: Points are separate from the "weighting" of an assessed task/quiz. See Add a weighting to your assessed task for more information on weightings.

Frequently asked questions

Why is the option to add a quiz greyed out?
You can only add one quiz to a page. So if you already have a quiz on the page, you'll see the quiz option greyed out.

How many tasks can I add to a quiz?
You can add 250 tasks. If you’re using task groups there is a limit of five randomised task groups per quiz and 50 tasks per task group.

Why doesn't the automatic feedback show to learners?
Learners don't see the automatic feedback for tasks when they are completing a quiz. However, we leave the feedback field visible to authors in case that task is used as a stand-alone task elsewhere in the course.

Note: Individual response feedback (distinct from the automatic Feedback field) will show if you select to show learners which questions they got right after each attempt in the quiz settings.

Why doesn't my facilitator feedback show to learners?
Facilitator feedback goes along with showing the correct answers. And, correct answers only show once all attempts have been completed. If you're giving facilitator feedback we recommend either using a standalone task (which you can reset) or setting the attempts of the quiz to one.

What questions do learners see on subsequent attempts?

If your quiz has themes, learners will see another random set from the themes. If your quiz does not use themes, learners will see the exact same set. This means that learners see questions they may have already gotten correct in their first attempt.

Why is the reset button greyed for an assessed quiz submission?

When marking an assessed quiz, the Reset option will be greyed out if there is one or more attempt still available for the learner. Once the learner has used all their attempts, you will be able to reset it.

For more help, ask us in-app!

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