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Learning experience platforms vs. systems of record

Clarifying the role of iQualify in storage of learner submissions.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 10 months ago

Some organisations have a need for a "system of record" for reporting, moderating or quality assurance reasons.

iQualify is a learning experience platform (LXP). Learning interactions happen in iQualify, and we log and store these (for instance starting, submitting or receiving a mark for assessed tasks). The artefacts learners produce and submit in iQualify, are included in this.

However, storing submissions is distinct from a system of record. Learner submissions aren't records within a reporting sense. The important records are the marks or course grades. Facilitators mark individual assessed tasks in iQualify, but overall course grades live elsewhere.

The reason for this separation is that most organisations have quality committees to approve individual assessment marks, and overall course grades. Those committees can also 'smooth' grades, or do things like award aegrotats. This means marks in the LXP are provisional and should be treated that way. For reporting and recording, they should take those marks into a system that's responsible for storing and awarding approved course grades. That's the system of record.

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