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Using the math editor as a learner

Learners and facilitators can format mathematical equations and chemical formulas in some of our math tasks.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 6 months ago

If you're studying a course with maths, some tasks might give you the option to input mathematical or chemical formulae using a key pad math editor.

Screenshot of a maths essay task showing the use of the inbuilt maths editor.

Image showing a formula in maths editor

How to use the math editor in a task

In the video below you'll see a quick example of how you can use the math editor. Or, if you'd prefer to read instructions, check out the explanations and screenshots below the video.

How to open the math editor

Some tasks will immediately pop up with the math editor when you put your cursor in the blank space.

Image showing the maths editor

Some tasks let you use normal text and equations. In those tasks, to get the math editor, look for the โˆšx .

Image highlighting the formula keypad in task

You can type normal text, then just put your cursor where ever you want to put a formula, and select โˆšx . This brings up the editor with commonly used notation.

How to choose options for your math editor

Sometimes you might be given the option to use a different keypad from the dropdown.

Image showing different format in dropdown of maths calculator

How to create your equation

To create your equation, simply add the parts you need by selecting the various notation buttons.

Image showing a formula in maths editor


  • You can save time by using the keyboard tips like * for times, / for fraction, and ^ for "to the power of".

  • Use your cursor or left/right keys to get to the part of the equation you want to edit.

Once you've entered your equation, select Apply. Your equation will display with a dotted line.

Image is showing a formula added to the task from maths calculator

You can re-edit your work by double-clicking within the dotted line.

Note: Sometimes the editor can take a little longer than other things to load, if you're worried something has gone wrong, give it a few seconds more and it will probably load.

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