What is Licensing?

Account Owners may wish to licence their content to other organisations. Authors and managers may need to work with licensed content.

Sarika avatar
Written by Sarika
Updated yesterday

What is Licensing?

A licensed course is a linked copy of a course that is hosted in one iQualify environment that can be shared with another iQualify environment. The recipient (licensee) of a licensed course can activate classes from it and those classes will automatically receive any updates the owner (licenser) makes to the content.

Can the licensee make edits to the content?

The licensee organisation can personalise the class activations, things like the overview, cover photo, dates and badge. However, the licensee organisation cannot edit the content of the course.

In some cases can request for a copy of the course to be added in your environment, if you wish to edit content based upon your organisation’s requirements. If this is the case, you'll be able to duplicate the licensed content, and this way be able make any edits to content, add assessments etc.

If you would like to know more about licensing your content our team are more than happy to go through options, just get in touch.

How can I tell if a course is licensed?

As an author or a manager you may want to know if a course is licensed content, either licensed to you or licensed from you. There are a few ways you can find this out on the create dashboard.

Filter - You can use the Filter by option to show only Licensed content.

Icon - But what happens if you are viewing all content? Then you can look out for the ticket icon (highlighted below), this indicates to you that the course is licensed content from or to your environment.

Image shows the create dashboard with the filter options and licensed content icon highlighted.

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