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Connecting iQualify to other systems
Integrations, applications, and API
Overview of integrationsFind out how you can integrate iQualify with your existing systems and business processes.
Examples of how you can integrate and automate with iQualifyWays you can add functionality and get more value from iQualify by sharing data with your existing systems and automating processes.
Overview of iQualify insights for account ownersAccount owners (or those with insights access) can view learner interactions with content, assessment and social activity across all classes in their iQualify environments.
Event hub
Understanding the how the Event hub works.
Overview of the Event hubAs an account owner you can use the Event hub to configure events in iQualify to trigger actions in other apps and systems.
How to configure webhooks in the Event hubAccount owners can configure webhook endpoints to automate processes or generate reports outside iQualify
How to use the Event hub to create reports and chartsAccount owners can use the Event hub to create charts that can display data effectively
How you can intergrate other apps and systems with iQualify.
Overview of adding custom tags to people, tasks, courses, and class activationsYou can add custom tags to store additional information you can share with other apps via APIs and the Event hub.
Why use custom tags to add
information to users and coursesAdd custom information to users and courses in iQualify to improve the effectiveness of connecting iQualify with other apps.
How to add a Google Analytics tracking IDAccount owners can gather insights into learner activity with Google Analytics tracking.
How to set up Single Sign On (SSO) for your organisationAccount owners can configure and enable Single Sign On (SSO) for their iQualify environment.
How you can use our API to perform calls and actions.
Introduction to using iQualify APIsAs an account owner you can use the API to connect your iQualify environment with other systems or access detailed data.
How to access and manage your API tokenAccount owners can access and manage an API access token which allows other applications to integrate with iQualify via the API.