On every donation that we process, we collect a fee. These fees are deducted from the funds raised, and paid out to you every two weeks (USD) or every month (other currencies). Upon payout, we issue you an invoice.
To see what are the fees that we charge and that are included in each invoice, do the following:
Go to the Donations page of your IsraelGives account.
Use the "Filter by Donation Date Range" and/or "Filter by currency" to select the donations that you want to analyze, or the "Filter by invoice" to select all of the donations that were included in a particular invoice.
Then, at the bottom of the page, enter your email address and download the results to Excel.
Why we recommend using the "Filter by Invoice"
Why we recommend using the "Filter by Invoice"
When we make a payout, we do it for a particular period. For example, on February 5th we might do a payout for the USD donations that were made between the 1st and 14th of January. However, there are situations in which we'll include a donation in an invoice despite it not corresponding to the main transfer period:
Checks and wires are included in the first invoice after they're received. So if we receive a check on February 1st, it's likely to be included in the February 5th invoice instead of the fact that the payout is for the 1-14 of January period.
Refunds will be included in the first invoice that we issue after it's received, no matter the date in which the original donation was made. So in the February 5th invoice, you might have refunds for payments made in December 2024.
The "Filter by Invoice" will show you all donations that are included in a particular invoice, no matter when the donation was made. This is the best way to reconcile the invoice.
The Excel is very detailed, but here's an explanation of the columns that you'll see (note that this data appears for all donations made from December 2024 onwards).
Invoice Number | The invoice that the donation appears in. Note that some transactions will not have an invoice number. This could be for a number of reasons: CAD, EUR, AUD do not have an invoice at present. Also, donations made through your own credit card processing account (like your own Isracard account), are not invoiced by IsraelGives - you made the fee directly to the credit card company. |
ID | The unique ID that we give to your donations. |
Date | Note that this is Israel-time zone. |
Method | We support various payment methods, including Credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Check, ACH, Bank Transfer, Offline, and more. |
Frequency | We support one-time, monthly, and yearly frequencies. |
Processor | The company (or charity) that processed your payment. If you're processing through your own merchant account, then you'll see "Isracard/CAL", or the name of your Stripe or PayPal account. Otherwise, you'll see "IsraelGives Payments" or the name of one of our international fundraising partners. |
Brand | The credit card brand used in the payment. |
Installments | If the donation was made in installments, here you'll see the current payment and the total installments. For instance: 2/10, if this is the second payment out of 10 installments.
Note that for installments, you'll see the total donation amount under "Original sum", and the amount being paid out this month under "Sum". So if the donor made a 1000 NIS donation in 2 installments, you'll see "1000" under "Original sum" and "500" under "Sum". Note that the credit card and fundraising fees of this transaction are related to the "sum" (the proportional payment this month). |
Currency | The 3 digit currency code, such as NIS or USD. |
Language | The language of the donation form or campaign that the donation was made in. |
Cover my fee | If the donor added an extra donation to help you cover your fees, the extra amount appears here. It's part of your donation, but we thought that you'd find the information handy. |
Original sum, Sum | The amount of the donation. If the donation was made in an exotic currency like Brazilian Real, you'll see the original sum in Real, and the amount converted into EUR (our default currency before we exchange funds into NIS). |
Credit card fee | The fee charged by the credit card company |
Net regranted | The donation sum less the credit card fee (for non-NIS transactions). This is the amount re-granted by our international partner. |
Fundraising fee | The total fee that we charged for our fundraising services. The make-up of this fee appears in the Excel, and is explained below.
For our NIS invoices, adding the "Fundraising fee" and the "Credit card fee" for all transactions will give you the total fee charged in an invoice. |
Exchange rate | If the donation was exchanged from a foreign currency, the exchange rate will appear here. |
Net after exchange | The Net amount of the donation multiplied by the exchange rate. |
Fundraising fee after exchange | The fundraising fee multiplied by the exchange rate. Summing up this column will give you the "Total fundraising fee" that we list on the non-NIS invoices. |
Donors fields | Then, you'll have a large set of donor fields, including title, name, address, email address, phone number, IP address. |
Payment fields | The last 4 digits of the credit card used, the card's expiry date, the receipt number, the donation form or campaign page that they donated through. |
Allocation fields | The ID and name of the project or campaign that they gave to. |
Dedication fields | The name and contact details of the person in whose name they donated. |
Reward fields | If you offered donation rewards, the purchase details will appear here. |
GDPR - opt in | If the donor was in the UK or EU, whether or not they opted into GDPR (allowed you to communicate with them). |
First donation? | If "Yes", this means that this is the first time that this donor gave to you. A blank result means that it's not the donor's first donation. |
Custom fields | Up to 10 custom fields of information that you added to the URL of your form or campaign, like as donation source or analytics. |
Gift card ID | If you received this donation as part of the redemption of a Gift Card, the ID of the gift card will appear here. |
Refunded donation | If the transaction is a refund, then the ID of the donation that was refunded will appear here. |
Payment ID | We also use Payment ID as an unique indicator for your donations (at times there can be multi donations as part of a single payment). |
Then you have a breakdown of the "Fundraising fee", all of its possible elements:
Platform fee - % | This indicates the percentage platform fee that you paid us. Your membership plan affects your platform fee. |
Platform fee - Sum | The percentage above multiplied by the donation sum (the actual fee that we charged). |
Transaction fee | The per-transaction fee. If the donation is in NIS, the fee will appear in NIS. Otherwise the fee will appear in the original donation currency. |
PDF receipt fee | For NIS donations, the fee that we charge for issuing your donor a tax-deductible PDF receipt in your name. |
Installments fee | If the donation is made in installments, we charge a supplemental 1% fee. |
Refund fee | This is the only fee that won't be a part of the "Fundraising fee", as the fee will appear as a separate line in the invoice. |
Chargeback fee | The fee charged by the credit card company when a chargeback claim is successful. |
Tip | If you're using the Tip add-on, there are cases in which the donor will leave us a tip, which we'll then collect, back-to back, as a fee. So if the donor left us a 10 NIS fee as part of their 110 NIS donation, "10" will appear as the tip amount. Then, on the invoice, we'll bill you for 10 NIS (including VAT). All in all, there's no cost to you. |
Status 6 supplemental fee - % | If you received a foreign donation at the time when you weren't approved to receive it, we'll still let the donation be processed, but we'll charge a supplemental fee. This is the percent supplement that we charged. |
Status 6 supplemental fee - sum | The supplemental fee - as a sum. |
Membership plan supplemental fee - % | Our International membership plan doesn't have supplemental fees. Other membership plans do. |
Membership plan supplemental fee - sum | The supplemental membership plan fee - as a sum. |