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Payment processing: POST payment details from your website to the payment form
Payment processing: POST payment details from your website to the payment form

iframe, payment processing, developer

Updated this week

There are three ways that help you to process payments. 

  1. By using our donation forms, which you can link to or pop-up as a modal within your own website.

  2. Using our API, which allows you to use our payment system while using your own hosted donation page. 

  3. By using our iframe, which allow you to process donations without the need for making your own donation form PCI-compliant.

How to use the iframe
At its simplest, you just create a MYSITE custom form, and then install it as an iframe on your website. But if you want to integrate our iframe into your platform or web app, here's more information which you may find useful:

  1. You can pass parameters into the iframe. All parameters need to be passed in POST (not GET), and one of the parameters has to be named "post".

  2. You can POST us these fields related to both the donor and the payment.

Regardless of what fields you pass into the iframe, you can control which of the iframe fields you want to show or hide. By default we show only the credit card fields, unless some of the required fields that you should have posted to us are missing (i.e. currency, frequency, sum, email, name)

To show a specific control pass it as follows in the "showcontrols" parameter:

  1. currency

  2. frequency

  3. installments

  4. name

  5. Phone

Custom Fields

Custom fields may also be passed in the querystring. You may pass multiple custom fields (up to 10), in the following format: CF1=xxxxx&CF2=YYYYY

POST data should be sent to the following addresses:

  • For the English i-frame:

Please note that we have upgraded our POST support to our "pay" form, so please replace /donate with /pay in the URL if you implemented prior to 11/2022

  • For i-frames in different supported languages, replace /en with the language of choice.

    • /he for Hebrew

    • /fr for French

    • /es for Spanish

    • /pt for Portuguese

    • /ko for Korean

    • /ar for Arabic

When creating the URL, be sure to replace XXXXXX with the EIN (charity ID) of the organization that this donation is designated for.

  • In addition, you control the URL address that the user is redirected to once the transaction is completed. Enter the URL after “successurl”. If you don’t wish to use this, remove the section “&successurl=”, but note that the user will receive our standard confirmation message, within the iframe.

See these pages as examples of how passing different variables affects the output of the iframe:

Test Credentials

  • Amuta_Gov_ID: 580000016

  • Test credit card: 9111564510908888

Before you begin testing, please inform us of the email address and IP address from which you’ll be testing. Our fraud system may automatically block you if it sees multiple donations from your email/IP unless we add you to our “safe list”

You can access the demo charity account using these credentials:

Charity ID: 580000016
Password: 123456


Charity ID: 2633839261

Password: 123456

Returning yourself payment information

When passing the URL to the donation form, pass the additional variables as part of the successurl as follows, and we’ll return you those variables after the payment is confirmed:


  • Sum = payment sum

  • Currency: We will return the currency as a 3 letter acronym (ex. U.S. dollars is USD)

  • Fname = First name

  • Lname = Last Name

  • Frequency = We will return you either 1 (one-time donation), 2 (recurring monthly donation) or 3 (recurring yearly donation)

  • Donid = The donation ID as recorded in our system

  • Installments - the number of installments the donor selected, or 0 if none

Note that following the successurl is ? , and that all parameters are separated with an &

  • We recommend that everything that follows successurl be done in urlencode. 

  • Be sure to place the successurl as the LAST parameter that you place in the URL

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