However, you can use instead of either of these domains.
So if your URL is currently
You can change it to:
Pre-selecting and passing information into the form's URL
You can include a number of variables in your donation form's URL address (or by using the POST method), to pre-select certain options in the donation form.
You can add variables onto both a MYSITE donation form, or a non-customized form
The URL of a MYSITE is like this:
The URL of a non-customized form is like this:
Note that you can replace the language variable (/en) as you desire, and if you're using a non-customized form, be sure to replace 580484681 with the EIN (Amuta ID) of the organization that you wish to process a payment for.
After your base URL address, you'll need to add on a question mark (?). After this you can include a number of variables to pre-select options on the donation form:
If you'd like to use more than one variable, add an "&" between the different variables, like this: ?currency=1&sum=100&freq=2
This is the currency that you'd like to pre-select. To see the complete list of currencies and IDs, click here.
For example, U.S. dollars is ID value 2. So if you'd like to pre-select U.S. dollars on the donation form, you'd include the following:
Pretty self-explanatory. Include sum= and then the sum you'd like to pre-select. Note that if the sum that you pass is one of the suggested donation sums, then this sum will be pre-selected. If it's not, then the sum will appear in the "other" donation sum that the user can enter.
So, if I want to pre-select U.S. dollars and 100, I'll use this format:
You can choose between 3 frequencies: One-time donation (1), Recurring monthly (2) and yearly (3), in the following format: freq=
So, if I want to pre-select 100 U.S. dollars and recurring monthly, I'll use this format:
Other variables
You can also use the following variables
projectId: This is the ID of the project that was created through a charity’s account).
noemailreq=1: Adding this variable will make email address an optional field on your donation form (without it, email address will always be a required field).
spaff: this is good to use for the purposes of recording a specific referee to your donation form, like an advertising source. This should be one word, without spaces or special symbols other than "-" or "_" )
So if I wanted to add the spaff variable called walla_news, it would be like this:
Note that if you'd like to track a reference or source for a campaign (as opposed to a donation page), you should use our affiliate tracking variable.
If you are passing sum, frequency, and currency to the donation form, you can skip directly to the payment step (what we call "step 2") of the donation form. Just add step=2 onto the URL, like this:
Note that when you skip ahead to Step 2, we'll automatically place the email address input box on this step of the donation process, as opposed to its original location on step 1.
Also note that by using Step=2, the donor will be required to pay by credit card (Paypal can only be selected as a payment option from step 1).
Center section only
If you want to show the center section only (without the left and right sides of the page), add fb=1
onto the URL.
Custom field tracking
On the donation forms, you can add an attribution onto the URL like this: ?cf1=XXXX , where XXXX is one word in latin characters (no spaces or special characters).
So, if your donation form is located at https;//
the new would be https;//
CF stands for "custom field" and it will be attributed to any donation made using this link. It will appear when you export your donation records to Excel through your account.
We support up to 20 custom fields, so you can add up to 20 tracking fields like this: cf1=XXX&cf2=XXXX&cf3=XXXX (etc..)
Testing with our demo credit card
If you want to test the donation form without making a real donation, add cc911=1
onto the URL and then use the following credit card number: 9111111111111111
Hiding fields on the donation form
You can hide a number of the fields on the donation form by adding one or more of the following variables to your form's URL address:
will hide the frequency selector at the top of the page. Be sure to pass the frequency (freq
) into the URL address, however, or the form will not function properly.hidetaxstatus=1
will hide the tax-deductible status section.hidecurrency=1
will hide the currency (currency
) drop-down selector. Be sure to pass the currency into the URL address, however, or the form will not function properly.hidehonoreecard=1
will hide the ability to create an honoree e-card.hidepaypal=1
will hide the option of paying by Paypalhideaddress
=1 will hide the optional address field. Note that address is required in Canadian dollars, so address will appear even if you use this variable.hidephone=1
will hide the telephone country code and number fields.hidelanguage=1
will hide the language selector at the top of the page.hidecovermyfee=
1 will hide the Cover my Fee feature from the donation form.
So, for example, if I wanted to use all of these variables, my URL could be:¤cy=2&hideaddress=1&hidephone=1&hidefrequency=1&freq=2&hidepaypal=1&hidetaxstatus=1&hidehonoreecard=1
Note that while we don't currently have the option to automatically hide the title field, we can help you to hide it using JS (just contact us and we'll do it for you).
Required fields - address and telephone
By default, telephone and address are optional fields. However, the MYSITE wizard will allow you to set one or both as required fields.
Custom fields and questions
You can add a range of custom fields and questions to your donation form:
Input field (of text or numbers)
Input field (of numbers only)
Input field (multiple lines)
Dropdown list
For more information about adding custom fields, click here.
Successful payment URL
By default, after a successful payment, we redirect the user to our "thank you" page. If you want to redirect the link to your own thank-you page (located at, use the successurl
parameter like this:
Loading the thank-you page in a Parent webpage and not in the modal
If you're loading the donation form as a modal and want to redirect the donor after a successful payment to your own URL, but within the parent page (and not within the modal), use pptop=1
Returning yourself payment information
When passing the URL to the donation form, pass the additional variables as part of the successurl as follows, and we’ll return you those variables after the payment is confirmed:
Sum = payment sum
Currency: We will return the currency as a 3 letter acronym (ex. U.S. dollars is USD)
Fname = First name
Lname = Last Name
Frequency = We will return you either 1 (one-time donation), 2 (recurring monthly donation) or 3 (recurring yearly donation)
Donid = The donation ID as recorded in our system
Installments - the number of installments the donor selected, or 0 if none
Note that following the successurl is ? , and that all parameters are separated with an &
We recommend that everything that follows successurl be done in urlencode.
Be sure to place the successurl as the LAST parameter that you place in the URL