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My Donors
Updated over a week ago

On the My Donors page, you'll be able to find a unique donor, or a set of donors, based on the criteria that you define. The first and most widely used feature on this page is the "free search":

This will search a donor's first name, last name, and email address. So, for example, if I enter "Bonder" into the free search, I'll receive a list of all of my donors who have "Bonder" in their names or in their email address.

In addition to the free search, we have 11 additional filters that you can use to find a donor or a group of donors:

  • Find a donor by the date range in which that they made a donation

  • Find a donor by the project or campaign that they donated to.

  • Find a donor by the frequency of their donation (one-time, monthly, yearly)

  • Find a donor by the currency that they donated in

  • Find a donor by the country that they live in

  • Find a donor by the type of credit card that they used

We also have a number of unique ways to find donors:

  • Find a donor by the total revenue that you've received from them. So, for example, if you want a list of donors who have given more than $5,000 to your organization, enter "5000" in the "from" field (and leave the "to" field blank).

  • Find a donor by the total number of donations that they've made. So if you want to see donors who have only made 1 donation to your organization, enter "1" in the "from" field and also "1" in the "to" field. Or if you want to see donors who have made more than 10 donations, enter "10" in the "from" field, and leave the "to" field blank.

  • Find a donor by their spoken language. So if you want to identify donors whose names are in Hebrew/Arabic (right-to-left languages), or in a Latin-language like English. This is useful if you want to create separate newsletters for your English-speaking and Hebrew-speaking donors.

  • Find a donor by the date of their last donation. This is useful if, for example, you want to target only donors who haven't donated in a long time. So if you want to see donors who haven't donated in the past 12 months, you can put a date range from 10 years ago, and up to 12 months ago.

  • Filter by Recurring Donation Type and Status is great if you want to see all donors with active recurring donations, or oppositely, all donors with whose recurring donations have stopped.

Combining filters

You can use a number of combinations of filters: For example, use the Country filter, the Frequency filter, the Campaign filter, and the Recurring Donation Status filter to get all (a) donors from Australia who (b) made a recurring donation to your (c) Help Holocaust Survivors campaign, but whose (d) recurring donation has now stopped). However, some filters cannot be used in combination - that's why you may see certain filters disabled when you select others.

See the results

Once I've selected my filters, I click "Show results" and can see all of the donors that meet my filter criteria.

  • The results will show me each donor's name and email address, as well as their total number of donations, total revenue, and dates and their first and last donations.

  • Clicking on the donor's name will bring you into that donor's unique profile page.

Donor Groups

Want to have this particular group of donors, and engage with them? Check out the Donor Groups page to learn how to do this.

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