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Donor Groups
Updated over a week ago

On the My Donors page by using the search and filters you can create a group of donors. We make it easy to save this group of donors.

After you've clicked "show results" and pulled up a list of donors, give this group a name and then click the green "save" button.

This group of donors can then be pulled up (or edited) at any time in the Dynamic Donor Groups. Here, you'll see a list like this:

You'll see the name of the group that you selected, the number of donors in this group, the date that you created this group, and a number of action buttons to allow you to edit the group's filters (or its name), duplicate the filters as a model for a new group, or delete the group.

Dynamic Donor Groups

You created a group by selecting a number of filters. In the list above, you can see that we created a group called "All Australian Donors", in which we filtered our donors by country to show only donors from Australia. At the moment that we wrote this article (as you can see above), there are 1384 donors in this group.

But this number of donors can change if you receive new donations. So, for example, while right now I have 1384 donors in this group, if tomorrow I receive a new donation from Australia, my group will automatically rise to 1385 members.

This is important because one of the most common uses of Donor Groups is for marketing.

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