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Donor Profile
Updated over a week ago

On My Donors you can search for individual donors, as well as create groups of donors. You then see search results, starting with Donor Name. You'll also see that the Donor Email is a blue link. If you click on it, you'll be taken into that donor's individual profile.


Entering into the Donor Profile, you'll first see an overview of the donor and their giving:

  • You'll see the donor's name and their profile picture (if they - or you - have uploaded one).

  • In Giving Summary, you'll see:

    • The donor's total number of donations, and the total revenue that you've received from them.

    • The donor's active recurring donations, and the total revenue that you receive from their recurring donations.

    • The donor's average donation sum, and the sum of the largest donation that they've made to you.

  • On the side panel you'll see the donor's latest donation, and if you've engaged with them, the latest newsletter that you sent to them.


When you click on the Profile tab, you'll see more information about the donor:

Editing a donor's information

On the left side of the page you'll see information that the donor him or herself has entered when making a donation.

  • Donors can edit this information through their Donor accounts; Similarly, every time a donor makes a donation, if they enter different information than what we have recorded for them (for example, a different mailing address), we will present to you here the most updated information that the donor entered.

  • You can edit a donor's information only if the donor has only donated to your organization. If he's donated to other organizations through our platform, the fields will not be editable.

Note that we'll only overwrite fields that were actively entered by a donor. So if a donor entered their phone number when they made a donation, but don't enter their phone number a second time they donate, their phone number will not be overwritten. However, if the first time that they donated they entered their mailing address as 1234 Main Street, and the second time as "888 Main Street", we will update their mailing address to the "888 Main Street" address.

On the right side of the page you'll have the opportunity to enter any additional information you want about the donor. Maybe you think that their mailing address is different than what's on file for them (or maybe they never entered one)? Record it here. Similarly you can enter:

  • Their date of birth and gender

  • Their social media profiles

  • Comments and notes

  • Mark them as "do not contact"

  • As many custom fields of information as you'd like

The right side of the page is also where you'll see any information that you entered for this donor when they were "just" a Lead. Learn about how we sync Donor and Lead information here.


In the Marketing tab, you'll see the different mailings that you'd sent to this Donor. You'll see the date of the mailing and its name, as well as:

  • Whether the donor opened the mailing

  • Whether they clicked on a link in the mailing

  • Whether they made a donation as a result of receiving the mailing


In this section, you'll first see a summary of all of the donor's giving:

  • The total number of donations made by this donor

  • The total revenue from this donor

  • The dates of the donor's first and last donations

  • How long it's been since their last donation

  • The number of active recurring donations that they have

  • How much revenue you receive from the donor's recurring donations.

Under this first section, you'll see a list of all of the donor's donations, and on each row a link to their individual receipts. As well, you'll see two buttons to download this list to Excel, or download all of the donor's receipts as a Zip file (note that through the My Donations page you can specify a time period for which to download receipts - for instance, if the donor wants all tax receipts from a particular year).

After this, you'll see a list of the donor's recurring donations:

  • Clicking "Stop" will stop an active recurring donation.

  • Clicking "Restart" will attempt to restart a stopped recurring donation (good in situations where a donor's recurring donation stopped because there was, for example, a temporary freeze on their card).

  • You can see the sum of the recurring donation, and the total revenue that you've received from their donations.

  • You can see the campaign that the donation was made on, or the project that it was allocated towards

  • You can see the start date of the recurring donation, and the last date that it was processed on.

  • You can see the expiry date of the credit card (if the donation was made by Paypal, no expiry date will appear).

  • You can see the type of recurring donation. There are a number of options:

    • Monthly donation

    • Smart Installments (a large-sum donation that a donor "divided" into a number of fixed monthly payments)

    • Regular Installments (where the donor chose to pay in installments, and the entire amount is held by the credit card company).

Finally, we'll show the donor's offline donations. These are donations that you have uploaded yourself, either one-by-one, or in bulk.

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