Our default success and failure pages
In creating a donation form, your selected a "form name". This form name will help you to know the URL of the donation success or failure page.
If your form name is, for example, moreshetfund, the URLs will be as follows:
Success URL: https://secureddonation.com/en/paycomplete/MoreshetFund/success
Failure URL: https://secureddonation.com/en/payerror/MoreshetFund/failed
Note that the URL will also be dependent on the domain and language that you choose to use:
secureddonation.com/en - is for an English language form. It can also be interchanged with secured.israelgives.org
secureddonation.com/he - is for a Hebrew language form. It can also be interchanged with secured.israeltoremet.org
Note as well that the URL of your success and failure pages are much longer that we explain above, because they contain a unique identifier for your transaction. But you don't need the unique identifier for the purposes of analytics tracking.
Redirect the donor to your custom success page
By default, after a successful payment, we redirect the user to our "thank you" page. If you want to redirect the link to your own thank-you page, use the successurl
parameter like this:
Returning yourself payment information
When passing the URL to the donation form, pass the additional variables as part of the successurl, and we’ll return you those variables after the payment is confirmed:
Sum = payment sum
Currency: We will return the currency as a 3 letter code (ex. U.S. dollars is USD)
Fname = First name
Lname = Last Name
Frequency = We will return you either 1 (one-time donation), 2 (recurring monthly donation) or 3 (recurring yearly donation)
Donid = The donation ID as recorded in our system
Installments - the number of installments the donor selected, or 0 if none
Note that following the successurl is ? , and that all parameters are separated with an &
We recommend that everything that follows successurl be done in urlencode.
Be sure to place the successurl as the LAST parameter that you place in the URL
Loading the thank-you page in a Parent webpage and not in the modal
If you're loading the donation form as a modal and want to redirect the donor after a successful payment to your own URL, but within the parent page (and not within the modal), use pptop=1