From the funds that you've raised we can pay suppliers in exchange for an invoice made out to IsraelGives Foundation (קרן ישראל גיבס). Alternatively, we can send the funds to a non-profit with a Sec. 46 approval (though this process will take longer, as it requires the non-profit to complete our KYC process). In certain circumstances we can pay money to families directly affected by the October 7th events.
Prior to issuing a payout, a short Know Your Customer (KYC) process must be completed, which consists of two short steps:
1. The campaign's initiator needs to fill out this form.
2. After completing the form, you will be sent a link to perform a digital identification
Once approved, you will be able to submit invoices submission form in the following link. Invoices must be made out to IsraelGives Foundation / קרן ישראל גיבס (pick your preferred languages). We will then make the payment to the supplier, after we approve the purchase.
The answer to inquiries from Idan, the Project Manager of the Israel Gives Foundation, will be given by return email within a business day, during the company's operating hours: Sunday - Thursday, 9:00-17:00.
Immediately after making the payment, you will be asked to send a tax invoice / receipt (חשבונית מס / קבלה) from the supplier to the email:
If the payment will be made by bank transfer, then we'll also need an approval of account ownership (אישור ניהול חשבון) of the supplier to whom we'll issue payment.
Please note: DO NOT pay expenses out of pocket. We must be the ones paying the exchange. Your out-of-pocket expenses will not be reimbursed!
Invoices will be paid twice a week.
If you'd like to fund an individual family, please follow these steps:
Have the family member you wish to fund fill out this form
Provide us with any media articles or videos describing the family and their personal situation.
Note that we are releasing funds "as your campaign goes", and also even before we've received them from the credit card company. Thus, in order to protect ourselves from donation chargebacks and because we don't yet know the exact credit card fee or exchange rate, we'll be releasing only up to 90% of the funds raised. At the conclusion of your campaign, and as the war (hopefully) ends, we'll work with you to payout the final balance.
For questions: