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Criteria for eligibility
Updated over 9 months ago

United States

To qualify to receive 501(c)3 tax-deductible status through our US partner America Gives, you'll just need to sign and upload a simple application form. If your charity is from Israel, you'll also need to upload 6 standard financial and legal documents:

  • Ishur Nihul Takin (or Nihul Takin Zmani for new organizations)

  • Sivug Malcar

  • Ishur Nihul Pinkasei Chesbonot

  • Ishur Nikui Mas B'Makor

  • Your last audited financial report

United Kingdom, Australia, Canada

Once you've received U.S. approval, you can get approved to fundraise from Canada, the U.K., and Australia by filling out a simple grant application with each of our partner organizations. From within your account, head to the International section to obtain and complete the application.


Fonds de Dotation IG (FDD-IG) is a French charity that can facilitate tax-deductible giving from French donors to international projects, including those carried out in Israel. Once approved, your donors will donate to FDD-IG, a French charity who issues them a tax-deductible CERFA receipt for the full amount of the donation. FDD-IG will then donate the funds to your organization, for a specific project that you will conduct for FDD-IG.

The project that you operate in Israel, and on behalf of FDD-IG, must be in one of the following areas.

  • Emergency operations to deal with disasters of an unforeseeable and occasional nature, whatever their cause. These may include: natural disasters (such as drought, floods, etc.); technological disasters with serious consequences for the population (such as explosions in an industrial establishment, malfunction of a nuclear power plant, etc.); acts of war; famines.

  • Meeting the essential needs of populations in distress or in poverty and to contribute to their social integration. This would include:

    • Meeting the health needs of populations in distress;

    • The provision of basic care, scientific research and action programs to combat pandemics and diseases,

    • The provision of aid to improve the conditions of housing;

    • The provision of the basic elements of education essential to social integration, such as activities in favor of the protection and development of children, literacy, schooling, as well as actions for the promotion of integration of handicapped people;

    • The promotion and protection of the rights of minorities, human rights, the rights of refugees, and women's rights;

    • Development actions such as expenditure on professional training, establishment of local university training, supply of animals, tools or aid for their acquisition, etc.

  • Activities that preserve and protect the environment against international phenomena that threaten its balance:

    • Actions taken to combat global warming (on a wide scale)

    • Actions relating to the fight against deforestation and desertification;

    • Actions tending to the conservation and preservation of biodiversity, whether animal or vegetal;

    • Emergency actions undertaken with a view to mitigating the consequences of ecological disasters (oil spills, industrial pollution, nuclear disaster).

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