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When will I receive my donations?

Updated over 3 months ago

IsraelGives Payments

Donations made through IsraelGives Payments are sent to you around the 15th of the month, for all donations made the previous month (of all card types and payment methods). So on or around June 15th, you'll receive the donations made throughout the month of May.

If you're using your own Isracard or CAL account

Donations made from the 1st through the 14th of every month are deposited into your bank account on the 2nd of the following month. Donations made from the 15th through the 31st of every month are deposited into your bank account on the 8th of the following month.

IsraelGives Foundation

Donations made through the IsraelGives Foundation are sent every month, around the 25th of the month, for donations made the previous month. They are sent as a donation, and you are responsible for issuing the Foundation a receipt for the amount that you receive.

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