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Donation and Fee Export
Donation and Fee Export

donations, fees, export, breakdown

Updated over 7 months ago

On the "All donations" page, you have the option to filter your donations in a number of ways:

  • Name, donation ID, or email address

  • Donation date range

  • Donation currency

  • Donation frequency

  • Donor country

  • Donor's language

  • Campaign

  • Project/allocation

  • Payment method

  • Donation sum range

Then, when exporting the donations to Excel, you'll see the full set of information for the set of donations that you're exporting, with a complete breakdown of the fees affecting every transaction Here are the fields and what they mean:




The ID of the unique donation

Invoice No.

The number of the invoice that this donation was billed in (*will be added in August 2024).


Date and time (GMT +3)


The donation payment method. This includes Online, Check, Wire transfer, ACH, and more.


The frequency of the donation: One-time, monthly, or annual.


The payment provider that we used to process the donation.


The credit card brand (ex. Visa, Mastercard, etc.)


If the donation was made in installments, here we'll show the installment that's being paid out.


In three letters, like USD or NIS.

Extra donation

With the cover my fee feature, we encourage your donor to increase the size of their donation to help cover the transaction fee. This is the additional amount that we convinced them to leave.

Original sum

The donation sum in its original currency


Sometimes the donation may be converted into the currency of the Stripe account. This is the sum after conversion.

Total fee

This is the total fee charged by GivingTech and the payment processor. The make-up of this fee is found later on in the export (see below). Note that if you're an Israeli charity, the fee listed here doesn't include VAT.


Sum, less the Total Fee

Exchange rate

If the funds are being converted into NIS, this is the exchange rate applied to the donation.


Net, multiplied by the Exchange Rate.

Next we'll have the Donor fields



First Name

Last Name

Address 1

Address 2



Zip/Postal code



Phone number

The phone number is preceded by the donor's country. So if they're donating from the US, the number will be preceded by a 1 (ex. 12125555555) and if from Israel by 972 (ex. 972508800999)

IP address

The geographic location that they made their donation from.

Last 4 numbers

The last 4 numbers of their credit card.

Expiry date

The expiry date of their credit card.

Receipt no.

The receipt number on the donation receipt issued to the donor.

Special receipt no.

Applies to Canada and other countries requiring a set serial number.

Project name

The name of the project that the donor allocated their donation towards.


Here you'll see five fields: The honoree name, the recipient name, the recipient's email address, the personal message on the ecard, and the name of the sender.

Donation form name

If the donation was made on a donation form.

Campaign URL

If this donation was made on a campaign page, this is the unique URL of the campaign (ex.


If the donation was part of a rewards campaign, you'll see the reward sum, title, description, and quantity.

GDPR - opt in

For European and British donors - If they opted into GDPR ("TRUE"), you can send them marketing messages. If they didn't, you cannot.

First donation?

If this was the first time that this donor donated to your organization, we'll mark "TRUE".

Custom fields

We'll then show 10 custom fields.

Then we have fields that break down the different parts of the "total fee" from above". The fees are charged based on the "Sum" column.



Credit card fee

The fee charged by the payment processor.

Platform fee

Our platform fee, show as a sum and as a percentage.

Transaction fee

Our per-transaction fee.

PDF receipt fee

For Israeli NGOs, the fee for the PDF receipt document that we issued for you.

Installments fee

For Israeli NGOs, if a donation is made in installments, a 1% installments fee will apply.

Refund fee

If a donation is refunded to the donor, this fee will apply.

Chargeback fee

If the donor is contested by the donor and charged back, this fee is charged by the payment processor.

Then there are some fees that are part of Total fee that may apply if you're an Israeli NGO:




If the donor left a tip for us which we weren't able to charge as a separate transaction, it'll be included as part of the donation, and then charged here as a fee. So if a donor left a 10 NIS tip on a 100 NIS donation, your donation sum will appear as 110 and then you'll see here a 8.55 NIS fee (which is 10 NIS divided by 17% VAT).

Status 6 supplemental fee

If you received a donation in a foreign tax-deductible currency before you were approved by the foreign partner, this 2.5% supplemental fee will apply.

Membership plan supplemental fee

A supplemental fee will apply if:

  • You receive a donation in NIS but you're on the "Starter" membership plan.

  • You receive a donation in a foreign currency but you're not on the "International" membership plan.

IG account supplemental fee

If you didn't have a payment solution for a particular brand, and you used the IsraelGives account for payments for it.

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